11-18-2017, 09:55 AM
They fail to see that Joe Billionaire paid $2,726,441.09 in taxes last year and got nothing back when they paid in $3,200.00 but got $5,436.00 BACK.
2,236 MORE than they paid in....tax rate = Z E R O % and actually by the numbers they paid a negative tax rate. Just where do they think that money came from? It could NEVER have come from Joe Billionaire and his ilk.....could it? [/sarc]
They city dwelling environmental bitch babies are the same ones who when given the opportunity to move to a rural area bitch about the horrible smell from the farm next door.
2,236 MORE than they paid in....tax rate = Z E R O % and actually by the numbers they paid a negative tax rate. Just where do they think that money came from? It could NEVER have come from Joe Billionaire and his ilk.....could it? [/sarc]
They city dwelling environmental bitch babies are the same ones who when given the opportunity to move to a rural area bitch about the horrible smell from the farm next door.