09-03-2014, 03:36 PM
Not Wally World, our supermarket, Stop & Shop. Benny season is fun huh?
LK that is NOT shaved. It's his version of "The Blowout" like that douche from Jersey Shore wears only he has a bald spot he's not covering. We were up close so I got a good look with my eyes. Had to do all I can to not crack up in his face.
LK that is NOT shaved. It's his version of "The Blowout" like that douche from Jersey Shore wears only he has a bald spot he's not covering. We were up close so I got a good look with my eyes. Had to do all I can to not crack up in his face.
I have no idea what you're talking about so here's a bunny with a pancake on it's head