04-03-2010, 06:32 AM
Haven't been on for ages, because I've been up to my eyes with college work, but we're on Easter break now, so I figured I'd show you guys my new GP's.
They're golden agouti rex. We got them from a breeder, because I didn't want to buy from a pet shop and not know where they came from.
We've named them Nugget and Fudge, two boys. They have nice pretentious pedigree names too. We've built them a C&C cage -it's great for them, but a complete pain to clean. They've not really bonded with us yet, but then we've only had them a few weeks -any tips would be appreciated!
![[Image: 26315_1222699537317_1523829779_30491992_2017576_s.jpg]](http://photos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs480.ash1/26315_1222699537317_1523829779_30491992_2017576_s.jpg)
![[Image: 26315_1222699577318_1523829779_30491993_229799_s.jpg]](http://photos-g.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs480.snc3/26315_1222699577318_1523829779_30491993_229799_s.jpg)
They're golden agouti rex. We got them from a breeder, because I didn't want to buy from a pet shop and not know where they came from.
We've named them Nugget and Fudge, two boys. They have nice pretentious pedigree names too. We've built them a C&C cage -it's great for them, but a complete pain to clean. They've not really bonded with us yet, but then we've only had them a few weeks -any tips would be appreciated!
![[Image: 26315_1222699537317_1523829779_30491992_2017576_s.jpg]](http://photos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs480.ash1/26315_1222699537317_1523829779_30491992_2017576_s.jpg)
![[Image: 26315_1222699577318_1523829779_30491993_229799_s.jpg]](http://photos-g.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs480.snc3/26315_1222699577318_1523829779_30491993_229799_s.jpg)