04-16-2020, 11:48 PM
Some of the hardest hit areas in Colorado were mountain communities. Ski communities. Not so populated. If douche bag trumpy does that, people will die. Period. HE is such a fucking facist that he is willing to kill people for his wall street asshole buddies to make more money. Fuck him. Him and his asshole buddies like that piece of shit in Texas that said old people should volunteer to die. Jesus fucking wept where did the fucking goddamned GOP get these human piles of waste? I wasn't an Obama fan but at least he wasn't a fucking traitorous asshole like this cocksucker. Worst part is, he just spent OUR fucking money by going even fucking deeper in debt to fucking China that he claims to hate to buy fucking votes. And people are dumb enough to fall for it. Stupid fucking assholes that voted for this piece of shit. But then I couldn't vote Hillary either. I want a real choice goddamn it. Fuck.
We have lines at stores, but just because they are limiting the number of people in the stores. Even Home Depot lol! City trails and parks are open, but the weather has been shitty for two weeks! Unemployment is through the roof. Luckily pretty much the whole family is either 'essential' or like my wife can work from home.
We have lines at stores, but just because they are limiting the number of people in the stores. Even Home Depot lol! City trails and parks are open, but the weather has been shitty for two weeks! Unemployment is through the roof. Luckily pretty much the whole family is either 'essential' or like my wife can work from home.
The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help.
Ronald Reagan
Ronald Reagan