04-04-2020, 03:19 PM
Apparently people cannot leave my fucking car alone.
Bringing a mask to a friend and this happens.
Why can't people stop hitting my fucking car. Helping out a friend today and some asshat doesn't stop. she hits 5 cars mine included. NO VIDEO. For some reason the video is not working. I have no video from this entire year. I have 4 clear vids of me and Matt when parking but there are two that are most likely the ones I need and they're totally corrupted. I need a better dash cam. I'm livid.
*** below is a copied and pasted convo from my facebook post. Yes, my language is set to Pirate. Images are below. You'll have to slog through to make sense of the conversation. ***
Bringing a mask to a friend and this happens.
Why can't people stop hitting my fucking car. Helping out a friend today and some asshat doesn't stop. she hits 5 cars mine included. NO VIDEO. For some reason the video is not working. I have no video from this entire year. I have 4 clear vids of me and Matt when parking but there are two that are most likely the ones I need and they're totally corrupted. I need a better dash cam. I'm livid.
*** below is a copied and pasted convo from my facebook post. Yes, my language is set to Pirate. Images are below. You'll have to slog through to make sense of the conversation. ***
Quote:Sue Susie Piller Omg
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Shianne Nacovsky
Shianne Nacovsky Wait.. did she hit the cars and run??
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Joan Walker
Joan Walker No it was 5 cars. Someone wasn't paying attention, hit the person behind me, I was already turned into a driveway, somehow she managed to rear end another car and someone else who literally had no idea they were hit. If you don't know you were in an accident you don't belong on the road at all.
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Joan Walker
Joan Walker Shianne, I was in the shoulder/turn lane and what I mean by "didn't stop" was that she made no attempt to brake. No skid marks, nothing.
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Shianne Nacovsky
Shianne Nacovsky Joan Walker did she admit she did it or is she trying to make up a story?
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Joan Walker
Joan Walker Shianne Nacovsky No one making up anything. She's just stupid.
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Joan Walker
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Joan Walker
Joan Walker I was able to drive it home. I have electronic failures on the parking "assist" which most likely is that the electronics for the rear cameras are out of wack. It feels OK driving it. I have to wait 5 days for a police report before I can get anything done.
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Joan Walker
Joan Walker Actually the people you see in the background (green shirt) are the ones who didn't know they were hit.
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Joan Walker
Joan Walker I have photos of the other cars, but I don't want to put them up just yet because there are license plates on there.
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Unsteady Freddie
Unsteady Freddie you can create a duplicate of the photos and use a program to cover or scratch over the plate numbers
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Joan Walker
Joan Walker Unsteady Freddie I know. It all happened early today, just got home and had dinner. I just need to chill a bit
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Unsteady Freddie
Unsteady Freddie cannot blame you, Joan
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Joan Walker
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Andy Majewski
Andy Majewski God damn. I would've sent the shitbag non driver to the hospital.
I know it's not local to you but I have a body guy up here in central ct that is one of the best in the business. …Spy Moarr
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Joan Walker
Joan Walker Thanks Andy. I have a guy here that is 100% trustworthy. You can eat off the floor of his shop. There are only a few people, and I can literally count them on one hand who are allowed to touch the car.
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Andy Majewski
Andy Majewski Joan Walker that is a beautiful and rare thing in the body shop world.
Sorry to hear of your ride getting disfigured by asshats.
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Joan Walker
Joan Walker thanks Andy.
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Joan Walker
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Jesse Moore
Jesse Moore geez - shit!
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Joan Walker
Joan Walker Yeah. I'll put photos later after I chill a bit and block out the plates.
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Vic C Eubanks
Vic C Eubanks WTF truly sorry to hear this other than being Pissed 🤬 are you okay
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Joan Walker
Joan Walker I'm OK. I'll be needing a bill of some sort to submit for the ceramic coating that is going to need replacing. Wheel included as it has a nasty 8" rash on the rim.
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Julia Victor
Julia Victor Thank God you didn't get hurt. Sorry to hear it.
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Carlton Griggs
Carlton Griggs I’m so sorry I’m glad you’re ok though
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Jayne Hitchcock
Jayne Hitchcock Are you okay?
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Joan Walker
Joan Walker I'm fine
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Joan Walker
Joan Walker THIS is the car that started it all. Notice there are no skid marks?
Portrait may consist of: This be car an' Out At Sea
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Jesse Moore
Jesse Moore holy shit, gotta be some kind of "story" behind this driver
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Meredith Davis
Meredith Davis How the heck did they do that much damage to their own vehicle AND how did they hit others with the side of their car like that if they were moving forward? The front is perfectly fine.
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Joan Walker
Joan Walker Meredith Davis I have no idea.
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Joan Walker
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Joan Walker
Joan Walker She hit that silver car who hit me. I'm to the right in the driveway.
Portrait may consist of: This be car, sky an' Out At Sea
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Jayne Hitchcock
Jayne Hitchcock Joan Walker holy shit
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Meredith Davis
Meredith Davis Crap! That's a LOT of damage!
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Joan Walker
Joan Walker There's a Lexus that was hit farther down the road toward the yellow sign. No point in posting that.
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Jesse Moore
Jesse Moore who care about Lexus, fuck em
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Joan Walker
Joan Walker Jesse Moore he was nice. he got hit in the rear too.
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Joan Walker
Joan Walker front of the silver car. You can see blue paint.
Portrait may consist of: This be car an' Out At Sea
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TJ Perry
TJ Perry Motherfuckers!!! Thats some bullshit!!!
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Joan Walker
Joan Walker you ain't kidding! Apparently being nice doesn't pay.
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TJ Perry
TJ Perry Joan Walker nope it just gets u taken advantage of and walked all over!!!
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Joan Walker
Joan Walker TJ Perry well it wasn't his fault. He did offer to pay my deductible, but I won't / shouldn't have one since this is not my fault.
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TJ Perry
TJ Perry Joan Walker hopefully not!! Get u fixed and back on the road for future cruises!!!!
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Joan Walker
Joan Walker TJ Perry NJ law is if you get hit in the rear it's automatically their fault. and yes, even if I do something stupid and brake check
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Joan Walker
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Joan Walker
Joan Walker The Lexus got hit pretty hard too. How fast were they going ffs?
Portrait may consist of: This be car, sky an' Out At Sea
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Meredith Davis
Meredith Davis So the Lexus was further down the road in your pics....how/when did THEY get hit? Hit by the black SUV?
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Joan Walker
Joan Walker Meredith Davis he has no idea. He just pulled up and out of the way as it's a congested area. None of knows how it happened. No screeching wheels or anything for a warning.
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Meredith Davis
Meredith Davis Joan Walker with this sudden out of nowhere with no warning sounds, surprised no one had a heart attack! I probably would have....
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Joan Walker
Joan Walker Meredith Davis My friend Mark Ide asked if there were survivors - meaning did I kill anyone!
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Joan Walker
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Joan Walker
Joan Walker The driver of the Honda was just a kid. Her face was bleeding too. That black car had plowed into her good. If you look you can see where her rim cut a groove into the pavement.
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Shianne Nacovsky
Shianne Nacovsky Joan Walker wow, so some people were injured too??
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Joan Walker
Joan Walker Shianne Nacovsky yup. We'll see how my back feels and my neck since they're both bolted on as it is. I'm not even sure if I can go to an ER if I am in pain later. I got some Angry Orchard going into me now. FTW
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Douglas R. Colley
Douglas R. Colley I’m crying. This does suck. Im finding one more reason why we were destined to meet in Facebook. 2012 GT
Portrait may consist of: This be sky, car an' Out At Sea
Warms me cockles
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Joan Walker
Joan Walker Thank you sir.
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Joan Walker
Joan Walker Douglas, I'm in desperate need of a road trip, so when this shit blows over, well, you never know where the wind will take me.
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Douglas R. Colley
Douglas R. Colley Joan Walker let that pony run.
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Joan Walker
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Richard Gardella
Richard Gardella don’t worry i got you!
Warms me cockles
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Richard Gardella
Richard Gardella and i’m very sorry this happened, but you know we will make her right again!
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Joan Walker
Joan Walker I love ya Richard. I know you got me and I already called the shop. I will have to wait a couple days until the police report comes in and see what the insurance has to say.
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Richard Gardella
Richard Gardella Joan Walker just keep me posted @countylineab or collision correctors i’ve been spending more time down south with jay lately, both places same quality i promise
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Joan Walker
Joan Walker Richard Gardella I know. Been to both placesYou know how picky I am with her so you're the only one going to touch it. Hope the insurance is smart enough not to mess with me and If they have to replace the whole quarter panel, we need to make a good argument that we want OEM parts.
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Richard Gardella
Richard Gardella Joan Walker it won’t even be an issue that’s a promise just tell em they are dealing with me
Warms me cockles
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Joan Walker
Joan Walker Well I have Allstate now. Hopefully they're better than those imbeciles at GEICO like last time.
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Richard Gardella
Richard Gardella no worries Joan we will get right to it
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Joan Walker
Joan Walker Richard Gardella will you be able to fix the rim or should I have the dealer do it? It's just a deep rash. Should be able to see it if you make the pic bigger
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Joan Walker
Joan Walker It's at about the area where 7:00 would be. It's much bigger than it looks there.
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Richard Gardella
Richard Gardella I will handle all of it, don’t even sweat it
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Joan Walker
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Karen Barb Lesley Clark
Karen Barb Lesley Clark Omfg
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Joan Walker
Joan Walker indeed.
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Joan Walker
Joan Walker In case you all didn't see it in my reply to Shianne, the man in the green shirt in the background of my car are the people who had no idea they were even hit. I don't know which to be more worried about, them or the woman driving with her head up her ass. If you don't know you were in a 5 car accident, you have no business driving at all.
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Barbara Hunter
Barbara Hunter Whoa! I’m so sorry
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Steve Simmons
Steve Simmons Oh Lordy that’s a horrible dent, I have BlackVue dash cams dead easy to fit, look factory and work a treat, sorry for your dent and bad luck. Oh there are step by step vids on YouTube to fit the cams
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Joan Walker
Joan Walker Link me please? I'm on limited income right now too with all this. it's sucks big time.
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Charlie Degener
Charlie Degener Oh damn so,sorry
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Frank Lapham
Frank Lapham Oh man. I'm sorry to see this guys.
That was a nice shot you took. …Spy Moarr
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Joan Walker
Joan Walker Not as bad as the mess the '14 took, Frank. I was able to drive this home. Just pisses me off that I was off the road and that fuckwit in the black car caused cars from the road to hit me. ugh.
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Frank Lapham
Frank Lapham Joan Walker I hear you. I know if sucks. From the sound of what you explained there is only body damage.
People just suck.
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Spy 1 more scroll
Joyce Galanti
Joyce Galanti Oh no!!!
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Sue Susie Piller
Sue Susie Piller Where the heck did this happen?
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Joan Walker
Joan Walker Up north bringing help to a friend who didn't have a ride.
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Sue Susie Piller
Sue Susie Piller Joan Walker oh crap
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Joan Walker
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Meredith Peltz
Meredith Peltz Oh no! The video didn't work?! Douple suck. So sorry.
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Mike Williamson
Mike Williamson That sucks Joan. I'm glad you're both OK. Maybe she was texting?
I hope the idiot has insurance. That company should also provide you with a rental equivalent to what you drive.
I'm the last one to say stay calm, but...…Spy Moarr
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Joan Walker
Joan Walker I was close to committing homicide,trust me
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Mike Williamson
Mike Williamson Joan Walker I believe you Joan.
I would call that justifiable.
![[Image: PancakeBunny.jpg]](http://www.twitchinkitten.com/myphotos/PancakeBunny.jpg)