09-07-2011, 08:53 AM
So, Twitch even PM'd to see if I was OK. I have not been posting much or anything since my jul/aug vacation. Meh, just on to a new project is all.
You may remember me saying one time I was gonna buy an old junker motorcycle and next summer head west. Well, right after that jul/aug vacation the hunt was on, I got this old pile up in Watertown, NY for more than it was worth. It has good tires and almost good brakes, and ran like shit.
3 times I had the carbs off and finally yesterday after the 3rd time and 100 PSI from the air compressor I'm pretty sure the carbs are back up to snuff.
The trail run had it going like a motherfucker. It would dog out about 4,000 rpm up till about 6,000 rpm, then go like hell again. After yesterday cleaning I could stay in 5th gear down to like 25mph and just roll the throttle back and let it accelerate right up though 70mph or so without so much as a hiccup.
The front tire goes soft, it has been crashed, I don't think it has even seen a garage in 30 years, it has either 9k miles on it or 109k, I'm not sure which.
On the plus side, it passed inspection, idles like a champ, don't overheat, the antifreeze is good to 40 below, all the bags lock, and the fairing is sweet, this is the first bike I have ever had with a fairing.
Yep that tank was painted with a rattle can, you should have seen it before. I put a gas filter on it, a new air filter, and changed the oil....so far.
I have 10 foot of 3/4" EMT conduit, now I just need to get my brother-in-law to stop by and bend up some highway bars so I can stretch out my legs while riding.
It's raining today or I would probably go for a ride and give it a little work out.
I have about 11 months to play with it, then I'm headed to the Pacific.
If it craps out on me and I can't get it going with my buck knife and my 4 in 1 screwdriver it is gonna stay where it quits.
I'm gonna travel light too, I'm gonna make sure that everything I take can be lifted with one hand, so I can hitch hike with the other.
You may remember me saying one time I was gonna buy an old junker motorcycle and next summer head west. Well, right after that jul/aug vacation the hunt was on, I got this old pile up in Watertown, NY for more than it was worth. It has good tires and almost good brakes, and ran like shit.
3 times I had the carbs off and finally yesterday after the 3rd time and 100 PSI from the air compressor I'm pretty sure the carbs are back up to snuff.
The trail run had it going like a motherfucker. It would dog out about 4,000 rpm up till about 6,000 rpm, then go like hell again. After yesterday cleaning I could stay in 5th gear down to like 25mph and just roll the throttle back and let it accelerate right up though 70mph or so without so much as a hiccup.
The front tire goes soft, it has been crashed, I don't think it has even seen a garage in 30 years, it has either 9k miles on it or 109k, I'm not sure which.
On the plus side, it passed inspection, idles like a champ, don't overheat, the antifreeze is good to 40 below, all the bags lock, and the fairing is sweet, this is the first bike I have ever had with a fairing.
Yep that tank was painted with a rattle can, you should have seen it before. I put a gas filter on it, a new air filter, and changed the oil....so far.
I have 10 foot of 3/4" EMT conduit, now I just need to get my brother-in-law to stop by and bend up some highway bars so I can stretch out my legs while riding.
It's raining today or I would probably go for a ride and give it a little work out.
I have about 11 months to play with it, then I'm headed to the Pacific.
If it craps out on me and I can't get it going with my buck knife and my 4 in 1 screwdriver it is gonna stay where it quits.
I'm gonna travel light too, I'm gonna make sure that everything I take can be lifted with one hand, so I can hitch hike with the other.

![[Image: sany6710.jpg]](http://i47.servimg.com/u/f47/12/27/35/15/sany6710.jpg)