02-09-2014, 11:08 AM
There is a sled type event called Cresta. This was a small 2 runner type sled with a sliding pad that the sledder would lay face down on. The farther forward the sledder moved the pad, the harder the acceleration and if they slid rearward they could slow down a bit. It sort of resembles a standard kid's sled but has infuckingsane acceleration and speed!
They run it on the bobsled course and can hit damn near 90 MPH if they have the balls to do it.
They still run it at St. Moritz, Switzerland where it was invented. Barb found a few articles on it and it appears that they do limited events.
It's also known as a skeleton sled.
Now THAT'S the standard for batshit crazy!
They run it on the bobsled course and can hit damn near 90 MPH if they have the balls to do it.
They still run it at St. Moritz, Switzerland where it was invented. Barb found a few articles on it and it appears that they do limited events.
It's also known as a skeleton sled.
Now THAT'S the standard for batshit crazy!