03-27-2010, 11:01 AM
(03-27-2010, 10:44 AM)Twitchin Kitten Wrote: If you can tough it out through this recession you should be OK in a few years. Yeah, I know it sounds like an eternity but that's what we're doing. No choice really. If we sell now and sock away the money it's only going to be spent and then we're stuck renting forever.
Don't section 8 your home! You'll regret it. you need to allow for repairs and maintenance and if you think you're broke now, wait till the welfare renters get hold of your house! So not worth it. The liability alone on your part is not worth it either.
I can tough it out. We don't have a bad life. I just HATE feeling trapped. I'm an independent kind of person. Feeling trapped makes me want to chew off a limb and run for it.
I live under an Air Force flight path. Sometimes when I get off work, I hope my house has been completely wiped out by a jet and that my pictures, antique dining set, computer, and Chihuahua all survived. THAT is dysfunctional.