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Song of the day - Printable Version

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RE: Song of the day - John L - 08-15-2012

(08-10-2012, 09:17 PM)ralgith Wrote: I've never been impressed with the Stones live. And man did they ever screw the pooch at the super bowl.

Me either. The first time I say Jagger and Richards, I wanted to heave up. They're so hideously ugly, I wonder how many cameras they have broken over the years.

RE: Song of the day - Twitchin Kitten - 08-15-2012

Oh bitch, please!

It's not about the live show, it's the song. Hence, song of the day - you know, the title of the thread. Who friggin' cares about what they look like? You mean to tell me you only acknowledge talent by people you perceive to be beautiful?

Consider yourself very lucky. The Stones are one band I wanted to see all my life and never got to. It wasn't for lack of trying, tickets are just impossible to get and I don't want to see them now at their age. I wanted to see them when I was younger and so were they Sad

RE: Song of the day - John L - 08-15-2012

Just stating Fact Dear! Those two are so G-d Damned ugly, they couldn't attract a horse if they weren't celebs.

RE: Song of the day - John L - 08-15-2012

Obviously you didn't read my entire lengthy post. I said "Those two are so G-d Damned ugly, they couldn't attract a horse if they weren't celebs." If you don't know what 'Butt Ugly' is, then your inability to rely on the Golden Ratio needs to be reactivated.

RE: Song of the day - Twitchin Kitten - 08-15-2012

I did realize what you said, hence my post is gone Tongue - executive priviledge Hiney

I still don't care how ugly they are. I like the music and obviously you do to or you wouldn't have spent money on a show.

RE: Song of the day - John L - 08-15-2012

I'm crying FOUL here! You should be totally ashamed of yourself too.

RE: Song of the day - Twitchin Kitten - 08-15-2012


RE: Song of the day - Twitchin Kitten - 08-18-2012

I love this song and video. He is so fabulously fruity and sexy and ridiculous all in one.
Heard the Chipmunks do this last night on the movie flipping through and reminded me of this song.

RE: Song of the day - Twitchin Kitten - 08-18-2012

And some more 80's androgyny. Love this one too!

RE: Song of the day - Twitchin Kitten - 08-24-2012