Over Christmas Magpie was very poorly - he had a bacterial infection according to the vet. He lost lots of weight, had puddles instead of poo and was a very sick kitten. He also somehow injured his eye, I reckon and the vet agrees, that it is probably the crappy dusty litter the sheter gave us, so we've changed that. So a dose of fluids and a course of anitbiotics later and he made his comeback.
We were given Hills Prescripiton diet to help firm his stools and now that all is normal again, we're slowly reintroducing his regular food. I can't find any other kitten food than whiskas - I really want to get them off that, but I don't want them to miss out on whatever it is they get from kitten specific food.
Anywho, the thing at the moment is that Magpie is constantly hungry - every time I go into the kitchen he's crying for food. I've been giving him small frequent meals, so that he doesn't gorge and make himself sick again - but I reckon that if I put a whole tin down, he'd scoff the lot. Is this just because he lost weight and is catching up, should I give in to his demands and feed him more? Is it just because the crappy food isn't giving him what he needs?
He is parasite free - he had a fecal test and has been wormed and all that, so its not that. They are both due back in the vets on Monday for vaccinations, but I thought I'd ask the advice of our lovely experts here!
We were given Hills Prescripiton diet to help firm his stools and now that all is normal again, we're slowly reintroducing his regular food. I can't find any other kitten food than whiskas - I really want to get them off that, but I don't want them to miss out on whatever it is they get from kitten specific food.
Anywho, the thing at the moment is that Magpie is constantly hungry - every time I go into the kitchen he's crying for food. I've been giving him small frequent meals, so that he doesn't gorge and make himself sick again - but I reckon that if I put a whole tin down, he'd scoff the lot. Is this just because he lost weight and is catching up, should I give in to his demands and feed him more? Is it just because the crappy food isn't giving him what he needs?
He is parasite free - he had a fecal test and has been wormed and all that, so its not that. They are both due back in the vets on Monday for vaccinations, but I thought I'd ask the advice of our lovely experts here!