11-12-2011, 01:38 AM
Good to the last drop
Remains to the Landfills!
11-12-2011, 01:59 AM
0 Our Fucking Government is so screwed up.
The lying fucks all need to be kicked the fuck out.
A resolution to avoid an evil is seldom framed till the evil is so far advanced as to make avoidance impossible.
— Thomas Hardy --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11-12-2011, 02:44 AM
0 Your tax dollars at work..paying people to come up with the brilliant idea to toss shit in a landfill, consent by families notwithstanding. Who thinks to do something like that?
For the most part, the story stands on it's own enough to not need any further explaining or qualifying. Havoc, it took them many months to get to the point they are at now. The fuckers will have retired with a full pension by the time they get around to being punished for this.
11-12-2011, 07:48 AM
0 Quote:Pentagon press secretary George Little said Friday that Panetta’s office had received Holt’s Sept. 16 correspondence and that staffers “have been working to collect the information required to answer the questions in the congressman’s letter. We will, of course, provide a thorough response as promptly as possible.” Re-word that to say, "We need more time to think up a really good and [hopefully] believable bullshit story. Please be patient." They cremated and then incinerated the remains. You bet your last dollar that it all was mixed in with medical and any other waste and trash so it could be covered up and never discovered. There's no reason to burn something twice unless you don't want a bone or something found. The families gave permission to dispose of the remains, not throw them in the trash. I'm sure they expected something respectful and nothing the likes of this. ![]() 0 It's typical alright, and underlines the constant pattern that whenever you give the gov't permission to do things, they usually choose the worst way to do it.
I would have just had some pilot toss the ashes out of the aircraft next time a training flight came along or something. Not even hard. They send the ashes to sea now? Wow, took some trial and error for that one. This is the present state of the military, DoD and FedGov, for you. In no way let yourself be deluded by notions of service or some other grand sentiment if you think about enlisting.
11-13-2011, 08:39 AM
0 If the families gave consent, then the remains aren't unknown, right? So why wouldn't the family want to bury their child/father/mother/whatever themselves?
Support mental health care... or I'll kill you.
11-13-2011, 09:47 AM
0 Twilla, many of these were body parts found after the "rest" of the body was returned to the families and buried. I can only imagine that they considered the cost of exhumation and reburial would be too expensive, but if they took the remains and cremated, it's just too easy to put it in the ground on top of a buried body.
If you had cremated your loved one, there's nothing stopping you from putting those ashes in with the rest. Seeing how easy that is above, something stinks in the whole process. You're right, why wouldn't they want them themselves? Maybe coercion of some sort, a bigger fuck up than we know of and someone's covering their ass? I dunno. I do know that unless the soldier was indigent (and you can't be if employed by the military) with no family, put them in Arlington with all the others. Something stinks bad IMO. What is the procedure for Arlington these days? I know my father was eligible to be buried there but he chose to go to his Catholic cemetery in Long Island. Can anyone who served be buried there or is it for fallen in war only? Only those who saw action? What? ![]() |
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