1. Have your ever said Hey ya'll watch this and ended up in the hospital?
2. Used a road sign to sight in your rifle?
3. Drank so much that you have woke up in the bed with a woman who weighs twice as much as
you do?
4. Ever threw up in your boot?
5. Woke up naked in your front or back yard?
6. You scratch yourself no matter when are where you are at?
7. When you fart you invite others to come share the aroma with you?
8. You have ever shared a spit can.
9. You got lost in the woods, chased up a tree by wild hogs, then have an owl fly into your head.
(Bodine your my hero)
10. Poured you sippin whiskey in your truck to give it enough gas to make it home.
11. Have ever shit on your overall straps.
12. Touched yourself in an impure manner while in your tree stand.
13. Accidentally shot a hole in your house while cleaning your gun.
14. Fell out of your tree stand and break both of your legs. (You D man HD)
15. Gave yourself a hicky by sticking a suction cup to your forehead. (Way to go Jeffro)
16. Used pantyhose as a fan belt to keep your truck cool enough to keep playing in the mudd. (Jill I
promise to get you another pair)
17. Thrown up because you were trying to dig a hair out of your throat. (T Love Ya Babe)
18. Ever slid down the highway on your ass because you are too manly to wear a seat belt.
19. You hooked up with a girl as a result of a message on the wall of the men's room at the
Flying J Truck Stop.
20. You actually know someone who has been on Springer.
21. You have used your lawnmower to pull you truck and trailer back home because the truck broke down.
2. Used a road sign to sight in your rifle?
3. Drank so much that you have woke up in the bed with a woman who weighs twice as much as
you do?
4. Ever threw up in your boot?
5. Woke up naked in your front or back yard?
6. You scratch yourself no matter when are where you are at?
7. When you fart you invite others to come share the aroma with you?
8. You have ever shared a spit can.
9. You got lost in the woods, chased up a tree by wild hogs, then have an owl fly into your head.
(Bodine your my hero)
10. Poured you sippin whiskey in your truck to give it enough gas to make it home.
11. Have ever shit on your overall straps.
12. Touched yourself in an impure manner while in your tree stand.
13. Accidentally shot a hole in your house while cleaning your gun.
14. Fell out of your tree stand and break both of your legs. (You D man HD)
15. Gave yourself a hicky by sticking a suction cup to your forehead. (Way to go Jeffro)
16. Used pantyhose as a fan belt to keep your truck cool enough to keep playing in the mudd. (Jill I
promise to get you another pair)
17. Thrown up because you were trying to dig a hair out of your throat. (T Love Ya Babe)
18. Ever slid down the highway on your ass because you are too manly to wear a seat belt.
19. You hooked up with a girl as a result of a message on the wall of the men's room at the
Flying J Truck Stop.
20. You actually know someone who has been on Springer.
21. You have used your lawnmower to pull you truck and trailer back home because the truck broke down.