08-26-2009, 04:41 PM
Quote: i go alone other people tend to ruin it for me.
What sort of caving? Real potholing, rope ladders and Kendel mint cake? That's what we used to do before the kids came along and my uncle in west Virginia spends more time under ground than above if he can. He is on the rescue team and I know he wouldn't please dabout someone caving totally alone. He goes in a group of 3 usually unless their are mapping, then it can be up to 8 or even 12, but then they are above and below ground following unknown routes.
Most of my real fears have sadly come to realisation this year, as most of you know. I've always dreaded the knock on the door by a policeman. we've had a few late night 'We've found your stolen car' That's bad enough but when the policeman came it was when it was to be least expected. They found me at work with Christine and I phoned Philip's mobile phone for a policeman to answer it.
Philip's doing fine by the way-moved to the trauma ward this afternoon, so the hard work of getting him back on his feet starts. He is still on morphine/oxygen and fluid drip, but off the monitor and antibiotics.
I hate things without legs, worms, snakes and sadly I'm embarressed to say I find it difficult to cope with legless humans too. There is Philip with two legs but they aren't working!