08-24-2012, 04:28 PM
NY is still the safest big city in the country at the moment and it has NOTHING to do with those gun laws.
Twilla, yeah, some loonies have legally registered guns and go on sprees, but I'm talking about in general and more often than not, it's the illegal guns, in the hands of criminals, committing crimes that shit like this happens.
Nothing is fail safe. The Batman movie situation could very well had a chance to be lessened if the people were allowed to bring their guns in. Someone could have shot that nut case. Instead, he had full control and he knew it.
Prohibiting guns from everyone only leaves it so the criminals have the upper hand. If someone wants a gun, they find a way of getting them. England has a strict gun policy, even retired cops can't keep their weapons. They still have crimes involving illegal guns.
If people want to be bad, they're going to be bad regardless of the law.
Twilla, yeah, some loonies have legally registered guns and go on sprees, but I'm talking about in general and more often than not, it's the illegal guns, in the hands of criminals, committing crimes that shit like this happens.
Nothing is fail safe. The Batman movie situation could very well had a chance to be lessened if the people were allowed to bring their guns in. Someone could have shot that nut case. Instead, he had full control and he knew it.
Prohibiting guns from everyone only leaves it so the criminals have the upper hand. If someone wants a gun, they find a way of getting them. England has a strict gun policy, even retired cops can't keep their weapons. They still have crimes involving illegal guns.
If people want to be bad, they're going to be bad regardless of the law.
I have no idea what you're talking about so here's a bunny with a pancake on it's head