07-03-2012, 05:01 PM
I know TK hates Facebook and in this instance, I agree with her. Andy Griffith's death seems to be on everyone's news feed and people are acting like it's this great tragedy that he died. The man was 86 fucking years old, how long did you want him to live, you idiots? He had a long, productive and apparently happy life and it was his time to go. I commented that people should be celebrating his life, not moaning about his death and some asshole has to argue with me about it. What is there to argue about? GAH!
I've got a co-worker that was all depressed because her husband's great aunt had died at 92. Are you fucking serious?
I've got a co-worker that was all depressed because her husband's great aunt had died at 92. Are you fucking serious?
Support mental health care... or I'll kill you.