No way. He looks like he is far right, because he has a brother that is so far Left, it contrasts him.
Libertarians, and we 19th century Liberals are the furtherest Right, because we Hate, as in despise, Big Government intrusion. Most of those 'so called' Right Wingers are really Big Government NeoFederalists(think Centerists), who just happen to be to the right of you guys. If it was up to them they would have the State mandate morality, probably try to get a State Religion, and just be busy-bodies into everyone's lives.
We honest to G-d Real Liberals, and Libertarians just want the State to get the hell out of everything we do in our daily life. And if you don't see this, you are in for a rude awakening some day when you wake up and the State has taken away all of your Individual Liberties.
Libertarians, and we 19th century Liberals are the furtherest Right, because we Hate, as in despise, Big Government intrusion. Most of those 'so called' Right Wingers are really Big Government NeoFederalists(think Centerists), who just happen to be to the right of you guys. If it was up to them they would have the State mandate morality, probably try to get a State Religion, and just be busy-bodies into everyone's lives.
We honest to G-d Real Liberals, and Libertarians just want the State to get the hell out of everything we do in our daily life. And if you don't see this, you are in for a rude awakening some day when you wake up and the State has taken away all of your Individual Liberties.