12-04-2011, 05:31 AM
After watching the full version of the incident I have to side with the cops. The original release of the video blocked out alot of info and twisted it in favor of the protestors.Things missing from the first release is the cops went around to all the "squatting" protesters and asked if they understood what law they were breaking numerous times, and also did so over a megaphone. The real deal of this whole story is, the cops wanted to clear the protestors from a specific area on the campus, not trying to stop them from protesting. A few resisted and were arrested, the cops tried to leave with the few people that resisted and were being taken into custody. At that point the protestors surrounded them and said the cops could not leave until they let the people go. That is when they sat down on sidewalk not allowing the cops to pass by forming a circle around them. At this point they were putting the cops in danger, thats why a squad car from outside the protest came in and sprayed the protestors the cops in the circle never touched, sprayed anyone. They were in riot formation just holding their position since they were surrounded. I have to side with the cops on this one as far as proper procedure was taken, and they just wanted to leave with the people arrested for actually breaking the law.Protestors pushed the limits, the only wrong doing on police side and this is if its true , the police used the wrong pepper spray supposedly military grade. They should have used a less potent form but then again how often do they deal with stuff like this I guess.