11-13-2010, 12:02 PM
On your day off hit the little fucker. Make sure it's a place with no cameras and clock him one right in the teeth. Continue sleeping on the floor. If your back gets fucked because of his insistence on being a dictator, you threaten him personally with a lawsuit for damages and mental anguish. He'll shut up pronto.
As for all the infections...."when they get the antibiotics in"?! Why on earth do they not have this stuff on hand at all times. The damn climate is not making you ill, it's the filth in that place. Something in the air system I'll bet. You don't get a scalp infection for the sake of it. There has to be some kind of organism that found its way into a cut. Same for you toe. I bet the water is filthy.
I have a Brita water pitcher that I'm not using. Do you want it? I think I have three filters with it too. Each filter lasts about a month or two depending on how much you drink. Please don't be drinking that water. I'm sure it's substandard. Email me if you want it. I'll also send you rubber gloves if you're cleaning the heads with bare hands. God I hope you are using gloves and a mask in there! You should also be using a paper hat on your head when cleaning in there. I think Matt has a shitload of them in his truck. Say the word and they're yours.
Nickname the whiny bitch something girly.... Mary? Sissy Mary? Matilda? and continue to call him that and be relentless about it. Get EVERYONE doing it too. In fact, get everyone on board with the other things too. Turn it around and make him miserable.
As for all the infections...."when they get the antibiotics in"?! Why on earth do they not have this stuff on hand at all times. The damn climate is not making you ill, it's the filth in that place. Something in the air system I'll bet. You don't get a scalp infection for the sake of it. There has to be some kind of organism that found its way into a cut. Same for you toe. I bet the water is filthy.
I have a Brita water pitcher that I'm not using. Do you want it? I think I have three filters with it too. Each filter lasts about a month or two depending on how much you drink. Please don't be drinking that water. I'm sure it's substandard. Email me if you want it. I'll also send you rubber gloves if you're cleaning the heads with bare hands. God I hope you are using gloves and a mask in there! You should also be using a paper hat on your head when cleaning in there. I think Matt has a shitload of them in his truck. Say the word and they're yours.
Nickname the whiny bitch something girly.... Mary? Sissy Mary? Matilda? and continue to call him that and be relentless about it. Get EVERYONE doing it too. In fact, get everyone on board with the other things too. Turn it around and make him miserable.
I have no idea what you're talking about so here's a bunny with a pancake on it's head