10-13-2010, 04:36 PM
I'm sorry, no piccies! I'd have to upload them and I'm at work right now...
Thanks Rhubarb, they were lovely indeed! I also think her little heart was broken... And that she decided to go with Matty...
I still have my two boars, Harry and Simon, and they seem to be fine. Since my girls were really loud, my house now is sooooo quiet! I miss them!
Rhubarb please feel free to post piccies and/or web pages, I love to see happy pigs!
Just yesterday my BF said to me that a friend of his in putting his chin for adoption... his allergies are turning just evil and doctor said he has to get rid of Wacko!! So sad... he wants me to have him, but I'm not sure... I've never had a chin... And with Casey still recovering... I don't know...:S
Thanks Rhubarb, they were lovely indeed! I also think her little heart was broken... And that she decided to go with Matty...
I still have my two boars, Harry and Simon, and they seem to be fine. Since my girls were really loud, my house now is sooooo quiet! I miss them!
Rhubarb please feel free to post piccies and/or web pages, I love to see happy pigs!
Just yesterday my BF said to me that a friend of his in putting his chin for adoption... his allergies are turning just evil and doctor said he has to get rid of Wacko!! So sad... he wants me to have him, but I'm not sure... I've never had a chin... And with Casey still recovering... I don't know...:S