11-03-2009, 08:56 AM
Don't forget Election Day!
Get your asses out and vote people! This is just as important as our presidential elections and for those in states with the most to lose should seriously think about how the last governor has affected your life and go push that button for change!!!
I live with the highest taxes in the nation. We're driven to poverty in the first year this prick was in office-literally.
I also know that Corzine hates his job but his ego is too big for him not to run again as incumbant and he does not want to lose. When he (hopefully not) wins, he's going to be asking President Obama for an ambassadorship, pass his duties onto the next in line and we're totally fucked then.
He's also petitioned the Supreme Court of NJ to have Fox News banned from doing survey's at all the polling places! Ummmm..... can you say censorship?
NJ is the ONLY state in the Union that allows abortion up to the minute of natural birth. Now, I am all for freedom of choice but that right there is murder. Late term abortions I also consider murder.
This place is out of control. Nearly every three houses has a for sale sign up and the malls are empty. Stores are giving their wares away on a buy one get one deal for months now. Small businesses are failing - even Matt's boss is going to lay off workers when he comes back from vacation. He's the busiest security company in the county.
We have a third party candidate who is "Corzine Light" - stands for the exact same liberal agenda Corzine did and is putting the the race in a twisted turmoil.
Oh and did I mention Corzine hated his job when he was senator as well? What job DID he like? Not the one running Goldman Sachs - wait... he helped run that to the ground didn't he?
He a bum. Get him out!
Get your asses out and vote people! This is just as important as our presidential elections and for those in states with the most to lose should seriously think about how the last governor has affected your life and go push that button for change!!!
I live with the highest taxes in the nation. We're driven to poverty in the first year this prick was in office-literally.
I also know that Corzine hates his job but his ego is too big for him not to run again as incumbant and he does not want to lose. When he (hopefully not) wins, he's going to be asking President Obama for an ambassadorship, pass his duties onto the next in line and we're totally fucked then.
He's also petitioned the Supreme Court of NJ to have Fox News banned from doing survey's at all the polling places! Ummmm..... can you say censorship?
NJ is the ONLY state in the Union that allows abortion up to the minute of natural birth. Now, I am all for freedom of choice but that right there is murder. Late term abortions I also consider murder.
This place is out of control. Nearly every three houses has a for sale sign up and the malls are empty. Stores are giving their wares away on a buy one get one deal for months now. Small businesses are failing - even Matt's boss is going to lay off workers when he comes back from vacation. He's the busiest security company in the county.
We have a third party candidate who is "Corzine Light" - stands for the exact same liberal agenda Corzine did and is putting the the race in a twisted turmoil.
Oh and did I mention Corzine hated his job when he was senator as well? What job DID he like? Not the one running Goldman Sachs - wait... he helped run that to the ground didn't he?
He a bum. Get him out!
I have no idea what you're talking about so here's a bunny with a pancake on it's head