(10-12-2009, 05:14 PM)Twitchin Kitten Wrote: The stuff on the bottle says it's got anti gelling agents in it LK. Or maybe it just prevents that sticky goop from getting on the injectors and clogging it? I'm too lazy right now to go outside and look at the bottle.
That would be it. It will keep the injectors from getting gel gunk but it won't act as a fuel treatment.
Now it's not like you need to use treatment unless you get sustained temps below 30 F but, it really doesn't hurt. It may seem an extra added expense but the benefits far outweigh the cost. (Especially if you divide the cost of treating each gallon against just one gelling event or the expense of shortened injector pump life).
Let me do a bit of research into the nearest place you could buy a case of one of the big three. A case should last you the entire winter and maybe then some!
I found a site listing NJ truckstops.