12-30-2011, 12:53 PM
I'm for the shooting of em. You want to make a statement? That does it. Obviously the hand slaps that have been administered in the past have had little effect.
Look out! He's got a pizza!
12-30-2011, 12:53 PM
0 I'm for the shooting of em. You want to make a statement? That does it. Obviously the hand slaps that have been administered in the past have had little effect.
12-30-2011, 01:22 PM
0 (12-30-2011, 11:08 AM)Twitchin Kitten Wrote: Don't you think lining them up and shooting them all dead is a little extreme? Not really. You have to realize their existence is concerned with the dumbest, overly tyrannical shit like this. In fact, being who they are causes all the problems. Removing them is about the only way - why fix the problems in this country and allow all the people who brought it about in the first place to work towards creating them all over again? Or demand more "compromises" and "shared control"....its all on the map to where we are at, and where we are going. Figure this: no matter what we elect in 2012, the people that gave us the shit bringing us to where we are at now, will still exist and still do what they do best. By removing these people, we remove the problem. Yea yea, but just who decides who gets removed? The people who have had enough. Don't be part of the problem. I don't think it's extreme at all, and such sentiments by the gov't/public institutions vs sentiments by the people coupled with pending economic disaster may produce such results. Think Russian Civil War.
12-30-2011, 01:50 PM
0 What happens in the void?
![]() 0 Someone else fills it? I figure if you are not running things, then you're at the mercy of those who do - so be the one running things. Welcome to history - you only get what you deserve as a whole.
12-30-2011, 02:21 PM
0 Exactly. and that's the problem. WHO is this someone else? Just look at the shit going on in the Mid East right now. They all revolted. They all ousted their dictator/leader. They have NO ONE to fill the void.
They have US stepping in, the UN and other buttinskies but it's still chaos. That is exactly what will happen here. You need someone lined up already and that someone better be loved and wanted by all or it's not going to work. The void also leaves room for chaos. Terrorists, will have a field day. Necessary things like water and electricity could stop running if they are run by governmental agencies. What about the southern border? Chaos will ensue all over IMO. Will the individual state governments be willing and able to pick up the slack and hold order until a new fed is set up? I doubt it. They take Fed money. They're not equipped to be so extreme. Nor do I think they have the will. When our country was founded, there were not so many bodies living here. Today is a different story. You live in a city of 100,000 - this side of the Mississippi will be brutal. ![]()
12-30-2011, 03:03 PM
0 You're assuming that the people who do the removing won't have popular support. They will if it gets to that point. Power abhors a vacuum, and someone else has stepped in to the vacuum over there: in Iraq's case it's Iran and their proxies. Egypts? Muslim brotherhood and other Islamists. In Russia c. 1917-1922, it was between the Reds and White Russians, and someone filled the void - we know that from history. There are no power vacuums; even Somalia is run by someone or something. At the moment, it happens to be various warlords or Islamists.
Either you're one the power, or you're the one suffering under someone else. In our case, it's been mostly benevolent till now. Mess across the Mississippi? Sounds like a problem over there. Just because we have an increase in numbers....I'd like to see how you would justify that means we should do ______. If the demographic in your area tend to act like animals in the face of deprivation/someone not providing control/lack of a tit to suck in various forms, instead of a community, you need to adjust where you live or accept it. Times would be hard here, for sure, but I will not worry about riots, mob murders, mass starvation and terror. This is besides the point of this thread and subject of it's own. Water and electricity will indeed not run correctly if they are run by gov't agencies. Do they need gov't agencies to keep running? People survived long before someone decided to impose things upon them like the myriad of agencies, policies and petty tyrants we have now. Look at any given school board - public schools are a disaster. It's a wonder we existed without them....another thread for another time. The Southern border is already a disaster - I know, I lived on it for two years. Perhaps if the tards were removed and *others* took over, the problem might be addressed. I do not doubt the capability of the states to take care of themselves - at present no thinks they can because they've been on the Federal IV drip and vice versa for so long that people do not recall when individual states and territories were largely on their own. The evolution of that relationship/cause and effect is a thread entirely unto itself. What I am talking about, is the removal the tumor that is causing the problems. Gov't has existed so long as mankind has been around, but it is the people who allow such terrible stupidity, petty tyranny and bad policies to continue that are the problem. And so long as they are around, you'll always face the problems we have now. You'll never completely remove them without a massive ideological awakening (highly unlikely in the face of other factors), or removing the people who were the problem. As I said, either *you're* in charge within the *void*, or someone else is. Myself, I am content to live mostly outside the sphere of influence or control for now. The fears of the UN being involved are groundless - they can't function without the money we throw at them. The fears of terrorism.......who are you really more afraid of? Some ideologically backwards Muslims or the massive array of gov't agencies? Myself, I worry about the latter more than the former. Which for now brings me back to another point I made earlier on: people deserve what they get. If they are unwilling to fix it according to more peaceful sensibilities, then they can continue to suffer. If they do fix it, and continue to entertain the problem people, they can run the risks of the problems becoming the norm again. I wouldn't be too upset if people were lined up and shot in places. We're at the point where another decade or less of following the same path will bring us to be like Argentina in their economic meltdown in 2001. And that there, will be just what 'the people' deserve unless they fix it.
12-30-2011, 04:48 PM
0 (12-30-2011, 04:25 PM)ralgith Wrote:(12-30-2011, 11:08 AM)Twitchin Kitten Wrote: Don't you think lining them up and shooting them all dead is a little extreme? You're fast becoming a man after my own heart.
12-30-2011, 06:24 PM
0 Those are very nice fantasies. I'm a realist. There will be no revolution in my lifetime and I'm glad for that.
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