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I would beat my kids asses!! - Loricat - 03-16-2010

Partying teens cause $200,000 of damage to local home

Posted: March 15, 2010 04:34 PM EDT

Updated: March 15, 2010 10:33 PM EDT

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Partying teens cause $200,000 of damage to local home

The home on Indian Pipe Drive that was ransacked

NORTH GREENBUSH, N.Y. - Dozens of teens. A vacant home. Plenty of alcohol. It sounds like a scene from the movie Animal House, but this party happened in a local upscale home.

The party happened the night of February 17th, but police are just now saying how extensive the damage was.

Close to one hundred teenagers are being charged, and who knows how many more were there that night.

In a posh neighborhood of million dollar homes, the vacant one at 32 Indian Pipe Drive became host to scores of drunken teenagers, who left a path of destruction in every room.

Police Chief Rocco Fragomeni said, "This is the worst damage we've ever found in a house after a house party in the Town of North Greenbush. They broke chandeliers, they punched holes in walls, they kicked spindles out of the stairway. If it could be damaged, they damaged it."

The damage tops $200,000. Some neighbors heard screaming and saw cars parked outside. A woman who did not want to be identified thought someone was trying to steal a car. She said, "I wanted to come down, but I was scared. I thought maybe they had some weapons or something, so I didn't. But this went on for at least 15, 20 minutes."

The home was not being lived in. A local realtor tells News 10 work on the house was never finished. Unlike most homes in the Pond Hill development, it may not have had an alarm system.

Parents like Clarence Seely are outraged. Seely said, "I would be the first one to turn my kid in if he did that. I feel most parents aren't paying attention to their kids."

Police expect to charge 84 teenagers, seven of them under 16. Many parents would not speak to us, for fear of retaliation against their children.

Now police are trying to find out who supplied the alcohol.

"I think they ought to be ashamed of themselves," said Seely.

As for who should be responsible for repairs, Seely said, "Anybody that was there, they should be made to work on that house and correct it. Everything should come out of their pockets."

If repairs did come out of the 84 teens' pockets, it would equal about $2,400 each.

All of them have been issued appearance tickets for North Greenbush Town Court.

RE: I would beat my kids asses!! - Twitchin Kitten - 03-16-2010

Quote:As for who should be responsible for repairs, Seely said, "Anybody that was there, they should be made to work on that house and correct it. Everything should come out of their pockets."

Yeah, like I would want a bunch of unskilled kids doing the carpentry, finish carpentry, plumbing, tile, and whatever else they broke in my million dollar home.

No, they fucking pay for the SKILLED labor and make sure the house don't look like bums live there. I want it done right, not half assed.

RE: I would beat my kids asses!! - Loricat - 03-16-2010

They were saying on the radio this morning that most of the kids are not even sorry about what happened. They are just sorry they got caught. And to show how stupid they are, they put on their Facebooks about the party and where it was. I swear to God if one of my boys was ever involved in something like that, I would beat them bloody! And then beat them again.

RE: I would beat my kids asses!! - Twitchin Kitten - 03-16-2010

As my mom would say, "I'd string them up by their toenails!"

Blame the parents for their lack of caring. Too many parents today just don't bother teaching their kids to be good citizens. Take my friend Mike for example. His newest girlfriend has kids. One is in college and has a habit of breaking her cell phone (among other things). She went and spent $500 on a new phone and service and THEN told her mom about it. She said she knew moms SS# so she was able to purchase all she wanted on the credit card.

I'd cut the bitch off. Never in my life have I heard parents complain to me about how their kids are awful, spend money like crazy, behave like low lifes by making mom take care of their illegitimate children so they can go party, etc. Just let your imagination run wild here. If I open my mouth and say why don't you put your foot down, they jump my shit for opening my mouth.

If you don't want to hear me tell you that your fucking kid is behaving like a cretin, then don't fucking whine to me about it. I will tell you your kid's a brat.

RE: I would beat my kids asses!! - Sally - 03-16-2010

I threw a huge party at my parents house when I was 16. I'm sure there were over 100 people there and they didn't do too much damage, but the house was a huge mess to say the least. There were beer cans and cigarette butts all over the house and someone stole the neighbors stone bird bath and put it in my yard haha. It took me about 3 days to clean it all up.

Teenagers are known to throw parties, but I would still kick my kids ass and make him get a part time job to pay for the damages.

RE: I would beat my kids asses!! - twisteroo - 03-16-2010

Had I known about the party I would have gone to it. Although I know enough not to take pictures or talk about it on the internets.
Did we not learn anything from this chick?[Image: 074e342b.jpg]

RE: I would beat my kids asses!! - Loricat - 03-16-2010

Having a party is one thing. But breaking into a vacant house and causing $200k in damage is just beyond the pale. When I was in high school this guy Dean had a party when his parents were out of town. They had this frosted glass wall that was part of the foyer. Someone shattered it. Dean is probably still grounded. That was why I never had parties at my house. There was always some idiot that would break something.

RE: I would beat my kids asses!! - twisteroo - 03-16-2010

That's the beauty of a vacant house as long as you don't get caught.....

RE: I would beat my kids asses!! - Twitchin Kitten - 03-16-2010

We did some fucked up shit as kids and I mean really fucked up shit but the one thing we weren't were vandals. We didn't destroy things. We didn't rob. Well, the pyromaniac days we did destroy but these were not anything but rotting buildings.

We had a saying, "You don't shit in your own back yard."

The dopes should have gone to the next town to do their dirty work like we did.

RE: I would beat my kids asses!! - Rhubarb - 03-16-2010

The very reason for not leaving the kids at home! Wacko

Sadly the parties start off ok but then a friend brings friend who has no respect for the other party goers and they bring a friend and so on. Then 80% of the party are strangers to the kids and down hill it goes when the booze is flowing.
I'm not surprised at all,
It gets in the press time and time again, stupid kids, put they are having a party on Facebook, bingo! Help 300 guests all of a sudden in a 2 bed house.

My sister-in-law is the 3rd of 4 girls. They had a party when their parents went off on holiday, so 4xfriends!
A door got broke, I'm mean off hinges, door jam gone the lot. It got fixed by one of the boyfriends at high speed (knew someone who could).
Parents only found out because the paint was still wet Haha