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Mugshot! - Printable Version

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Mugshot! - Twitchin Kitten - 03-13-2010

Stumbling around today I came across David Bowie's mugshot from when he got busted in NY.

The Thin White Duke:

[Image: bowiemug1.jpg]

RE: Mugshot! - LKTraz - 03-13-2010

Well at least it was AFTER that whole Diamond Dog era!

RE: Mugshot! - Twitchin Kitten - 03-13-2010


ALL of Bowie's "era's" were great!

We cried when he got busted. Debbie was violently ill and couldn't go to school. God we were weird. True "Bowie Freaks" though Biggrin

RE: Mugshot! - Black Sun - 03-13-2010

What year was that?

RE: Mugshot! - Twitchin Kitten - 03-13-2010

Look at the mugshot - March 25, 1976

RE: Mugshot! - LKTraz - 03-13-2010

Oh I like Bowie but I think a Diamond Dog mugshot would have been just a bit over the top.

RE: Mugshot! - Twitchin Kitten - 03-13-2010

I'm pretty sure he didn't walk around in that makeup.

RE: Mugshot! - Twilla - 03-13-2010

Damn, he's pretty! What'd he get arrested for, I don't remember this at all.

RE: Mugshot! - Twitchin Kitten - 03-13-2010

A nickle bag of pot!