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JB's pics - Printable Version

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JB's pics - 911JB - 03-06-2010

Here are a few pics I have taken.

[Image: 002-3.jpg]

[Image: 004-3.jpg]

[Image: 003-5.jpg]

RE: JB's pics - 911JB - 03-06-2010

Here are a few more.

[Image: 010-3.jpg]

[Image: 008-3.jpg]

[Image: 038-1.jpg]

[Image: 010-2.jpg]

RE: JB's pics - Twilla - 03-06-2010

Wow, love that last one in the first post especially. The silhouette of the branches against the sunset is gorgeous.

RE: JB's pics - Havoc - 03-06-2010

Really really cool shots JB.

RE: JB's pics - 911JB - 03-06-2010

Thanks. That one was taken from my treestand last fall. It looked like the sky was on fire that morning.

RE: JB's pics - 911JB - 03-06-2010

Thanks Havoc.

RE: JB's pics - Twilla - 03-06-2010

Sunrise, huh? We don't have skies like that here. Sad

RE: JB's pics - 911JB - 03-06-2010

I'll have to do some digging around and see if I can find a few more. I have taken many a sunrise pics.

RE: JB's pics - lady cop - 03-06-2010

i like the snowy woods a lot too. cold and silent.

RE: JB's pics - 911JB - 03-06-2010

That was taken early December last year. 30 minutes earlier the woods were still brown from fallen leaves. It quickly turned white.