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My Gallery - Printable Version

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My Gallery - Vizth Hal - 03-06-2010

Been a while since I've thrown a link up to it, the old members know what's in it already some of the new guys might not though, and Havoc's awesome gallery made me jealous. Tongue

Mainly photography, with some 3d stuff, and random crap thrown in.

RE: My Gallery - lady cop - 03-06-2010

they're ALL lovely, and i like the baby snapper best! Smile

RE: My Gallery - Twilla - 03-06-2010

This is cool! How'd you do it?

[Image: Vue_practice_by_Vizth.jpg]

RE: My Gallery - Havoc - 03-06-2010

I like sunset 11, you have done some really great work you have nothing to be jeolous of your galley is spectacular

RE: My Gallery - Vizth Hal - 03-07-2010

(03-06-2010, 03:34 PM)Twilla Wrote: This is cool! How'd you do it?

I use a program called Vue to make it.

This is 7, got 8.4 now XD

RE: My Gallery - Twilla - 03-07-2010

You did a beautiful job on that picture, I had to look twice to see it was CG.

RE: My Gallery - kbear - 03-07-2010

Great pictures!!!!!!!!!!!

RE: My Gallery - Twitchin Kitten - 03-07-2010

He is pretty good with that stuff isnt' he?

RE: My Gallery - Havoc - 03-07-2010

CG is cool, I don't know if I would like doing it but viewing it is alright, my patience level is not what it used to be.