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Weather Man Freaks Out - Printable Version

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Weather Man Freaks Out - Eric - 02-01-2010

RE: Weather Man Freaks Out - Twilla - 02-01-2010

Hahaha, what a fruitloop!

This one makes me laugh hysterically every time I see it.

RE: Weather Man Freaks Out - Twitchin Kitten - 02-02-2010

Ha ha the both of them are hysterical.

If I were either reporter I'd be screaming bloody murder. Those guys got nothing on me when it comes to bugs and snakes! Fuck that shit, I do NOT do bugs well at all. I get sick to my stomach and I got a pretty good constitution when it comes to gross, but bugs - no fucking way.

RE: Weather Man Freaks Out - Twilla - 02-02-2010

The more legs, the more freaked out I get. Get me near a millipede and I nearly go into convulsions of repulsions.

RE: Weather Man Freaks Out - Twitchin Kitten - 02-02-2010

We had a pet African Millipede. I wouldn't even feed the thing. My friend Pam gave it to Matt as a birthday gift one year. Thank God they can't climb out of their enclosures.

RE: Weather Man Freaks Out - obycencio - 02-03-2010

Centipedes are common here... they are slighlty venomous and my cats hate them... after their first meeting I must say... me... I find them repulsive... and gigantic!! They're about 15 cm long!! yuck!

RE: Weather Man Freaks Out - Twitchin Kitten - 02-03-2010

Hi Glo! I see you managed to get in again.

RE: Weather Man Freaks Out - obycencio - 02-03-2010

yes!! Finnally!! Guys at the cable company were not very helpful... I just waited and got everything updated and it worked... Biggrin

RE: Weather Man Freaks Out - Twitchin Kitten - 02-03-2010

Oh good! Because I know it isn't the site. It was something between your cable company and my site that was crapping out on you!

Next time it happens email me and I'll try to walk you through the process and you can tell them where it's having the connection issue.

RE: Weather Man Freaks Out - obycencio - 02-03-2010

Thank you very much!! I missed you all!!! BiggrinBiggrin