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Hey Ballsey....check this out - Printable Version

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Hey Ballsey....check this out - LKTraz - 08-05-2016

We were talking a while (well a long while) back about playing the bass line to Yes - Roundabout.

I don't play it in all the same positions as this guy but......take a look and you'll see what I meant by saying it's not as difficult as it sounds.

This guy DOES get Squire's sound though by using a friggin' Chris Squire signature Ric and playing with a pick.  Must be nice to own one of 499 custom basses.

RE: Hey Ballsey....check this out - BallseyMalone - 08-06-2016

You're right. It doesn't look nearly as hard as it sounds!

RE: Hey Ballsey....check this out - LKTraz - 08-07-2016

Now factor in that if you are doing live performance, unless you are playing for other musicians (which far too many cover musicians do and don't realize it), the average audience member will never notice if you simplify it a bit.

Basically about 20 - 25 percent of the "color" can be passed over and nobody except another musician with a very good ear will detect it! AND.......these days with BMI and ASCAP going batshit nuts over licensing fees on covers, you really don't WANT to be note for note perfect. If you insert enough changes but do them in a subtile fashion, the fee nazis won't hit you up but the audience really won't notice. WIN - WIN.

Give it a try and see what you come up with. Once you have it to where it has all the basics and most of the STANDOUT color you can impress people by simply playing it while "noodling".

Personally, I use Roundabout and Rush - Overture/Temples of Syrinx as "Ok fuckers, look what I can do" passages. Wink