Twitchin Kitten - conversation community
I'll be surprised if anybody know who Marvin Minsky is, but he died... - Printable Version

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I'll be surprised if anybody know who Marvin Minsky is, but he died... - Biker Dude - 01-26-2016

RE: I'll be surprised if anybody know who Marvin Minsky is, but he died... - Twitchin Kitten - 01-27-2016

I have. WTF is it with this month and all the death? We would have run through our lists already if we had them at A2C!

RE: I'll be surprised if anybody know who Marvin Minsky is, but he died... - LKTraz - 01-27-2016

I knew who he was. Not intimately familiar with all his work but I was aware of some of the things he was involved with.

RE: I'll be surprised if anybody know who Marvin Minsky is, but he died... - twisteroo - 01-27-2016

Never heard of the man.