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Privacy Experts Alarmed By New York DMV’s Sale Of Information - Printable Version

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Privacy Experts Alarmed By New York DMV’s Sale Of Information - Twitchin Kitten - 05-17-2015

Privacy Experts Alarmed By New York DMV’s Sale Of Information<-- clicky


from the article:

Quote:Viollis said the state is selling driving records, addresses, makes of cars, and even dates of birth. That raises the risk, he said, of someone “actually becoming someone else — your information being used by someone else so people can become you.”

But the state said there is a good reason to sell the information – that it needs to be done so drivers can be notified of recalls. The state said it also sells the information to insurance companies, courts and employers who need to verify driving records.

But state Assemblyman Kevin Cahill (D-Kingston) does not agree with the practice.

“You have to register your car, but you shouldn’t have to give away your information,” he said.

Cahill is sponsoring a law that would let drivers decide if they want the information sold.

“What my bill does is it gives people the opportunity to make that decision for themselves,” he said.

That last bit in bold is bullshit too. It's a sneaky way of taking your info anyway regardless of what your allow. How many times do you NOT sign up for mailing lists, specifically tell a site not to notify you at all and you are inundated with spam within the hour?

Write to Cahill and tell him to destroy the idea in full. NYS is only using this as a money grab anyway.

RE: Privacy Experts Alarmed By New York DMV’s Sale Of Information - LKTraz - 05-17-2015

Wow.....recalls? How stupid does he think people are?
Verify driving records? Uh wait a MOST states and I'm sure NY is included you send in a request and pay a fee to obtain what is called a "driver abstract history report". Most states have this available online and it is an INSTANT report. Insurance companies do this by simply getting your driver's license number from you and VIOLA.....they have your report.

The DMV does NOT need any of that other information as they already have your birthdate and any relevent requestors can get the report via the abstract report.

RE: Privacy Experts Alarmed By New York DMV’s Sale Of Information - Twitchin Kitten - 05-17-2015

Cahill didn't support this, he is putting forth a bill to allow you to limit what you share. He needs NY'ers to write to him and have him put an end to it instead.

RE: Privacy Experts Alarmed By New York DMV’s Sale Of Information - twisteroo - 05-17-2015

More NY fucking bullshit.

RE: Privacy Experts Alarmed By New York DMV’s Sale Of Information - LKTraz - 05-18-2015 stupid does the NY DMV think people are then.

Whoever spouted that bullshit about recalls etc must think nobody could reason it out that he/she/they are BIGASSED bullshitters.

RE: Privacy Experts Alarmed By New York DMV’s Sale Of Information - Twitchin Kitten - 05-18-2015

The Cuomo dictatorship continues...

But seriously - NY'ers need to write Cahill and really bitch about stopping the practice all together. His "opt out" nonsense is a smokescreen of sorts and your info is going to get sold anyway.

NYS is making billions on this. Identity theft is way too easy with it as well.

RE: Privacy Experts Alarmed By New York DMV’s Sale Of Information - LKTraz - 05-18-2015

No difference whether Google, Microsoft, Facebook, or NY State does mining is data mining.

RE: Privacy Experts Alarmed By New York DMV’s Sale Of Information - ralgith - 05-18-2015

This isnt data mining though, it's data selling. Big diff, as mining is just collection.

RE: Privacy Experts Alarmed By New York DMV’s Sale Of Information - Twitchin Kitten - 05-19-2015

I was going to say that but Dyan beat me to it Tongue

RE: Privacy Experts Alarmed By New York DMV’s Sale Of Information - ralgith - 05-19-2015

Yeah, mining is bad enough... though honestly it doesn't always bother me. I'd rather have ads targeted to my interests than random bullshit. At least the ones that can't be blocked by adblock. But when someone starts selling my personal info, fuck that. I'd be raging mad.