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Assholes of the Music Industry... - Printable Version

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Assholes of the Music Industry... - Twitchin Kitten - 04-28-2013

And now I have a new respect for Kid Rock even though I still don't like his music.

The article is pretty interesting.

RE: Assholes of the Music Industry... - LKTraz - 04-29-2013

I'd heard about his plan about 5 or 6 weeks ago.

It's really a great idea when you consider that he's right.......these large touring acts DO make an assload of money and since he and others are far from poor, why not make the concerts more accessible?

By reducing his T-shirts to half price he sold twice as many and the end result is the SAME income with much happier fans!

When you market things, volume sales usually out-earns high margin.

Good job Kid Rock!

RE: Assholes of the Music Industry... - twisteroo - 04-29-2013

Good for him, and his fans.

Who was the one a couple years ago that said his CD's cost so much that you should go steal the music on-line? Was that him too?