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What is it? #15 - Printable Version

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What is it? #15 - twisteroo - 03-22-2013

[Image: what1510.jpg]

RE: What is it? #15 - AnthonyG - 03-23-2013

looks like a weight, but 817lbs lol I dunno maybe its 17lbs

RE: What is it? #15 - twisteroo - 03-23-2013

It is not a weight, but it does appear to weight 817LBS.
The clue in the pic might be the curve of the object.

RE: What is it? #15 - Twitchin Kitten - 03-23-2013

a pipe bender?

RE: What is it? #15 - twisteroo - 03-23-2013

No, not a pipe bender.
I'll let you study on it for another day, then expand the pic a little, or give you a hint.

RE: What is it? #15 - Twitchin Kitten - 03-23-2013

Is it something of yours in your home? A pic you took in the basement or garage?

RE: What is it? #15 - Twitchin Kitten - 03-23-2013

A torque wrench?

RE: What is it? #15 - twisteroo - 03-24-2013

Not a torque wrench.
It is a pic that I took in one of my travels, I was in WVa if I remember correctly.
I'm trying a different crop of the pic, it's tough not giving too much away on this one.
[Image: what1511.jpg]

RE: What is it? #15 - Twitchin Kitten - 03-24-2013

W VA - coal country... A pick axe or some other tool used for coal mining?

RE: What is it? #15 - Twitchin Kitten - 03-24-2013

Oh wait! A train wheel?