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Nov 20th - Printable Version

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Nov 20th - Pickles - 11-20-2009

Name Your PC Day -- Hey, why not? People name their boats! And there’s a lot more PC’s than boats these days. “Binky” is already taken.
Beautiful Day
Absurdity Day

Cat Days

Children's Day
I will name my new computer.. sweetie Pie.

RE: Nov 20th - Twitchin Kitten - 11-20-2009

My computer is Mr Smartypants. Has been that way since I bought it.

RE: Nov 20th - Rhubarb - 11-20-2009

Childrens Day Doh
It's Children in Need Marathon on the BBC today! Doh
It has been running up to it on the radio for weeks with auctions/music bidding/concerts and plain silliness.
Pugsey Bear is out and about with the charity box.

I do not get involved.

Gremlin is a good name. We did call our computer Philip as an setup. Think about it.........
*No1 son's is called Snafu (Situation Normal: All Fucked Up)

RE: Nov 20th - Vizth Hal - 11-20-2009

my pc name keeps jumping between FrankenPC, Kamikaze, and various weapons from celtic mythology 0.o