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Trixie the Chinchilla - FreudianSlip - 10-21-2012

Yes, for the past 7 years, I have harbored a chinchilla in my living room. Don't tell anyone. I have had her since she was a few months old. Name of Trixie. She is a bit of a spitfire. Got an exciting personality. But don't piss her off..she will ignore you to death.
She is fun. Not a cuddly lap pet, though. She prefers her own space.

RE: Trixie the Chinchilla - Gunnen4u - 10-22-2012

You should put her in a bucket or something with flour in the bottom. It's great fun when it gets to running in circles at high speed and the flour raises up above the bucket in a constant cloud that settles when it stops.

RE: Trixie the Chinchilla - Flamethrower - 10-22-2012

Chinchillas are the softest furred critters I've ever met. They DO have the odd habit of sleeping on their heads though. The "chinchilla ball" position as one of my friends has put it.

RE: Trixie the Chinchilla - twisteroo - 10-22-2012

I think we need pics.

RE: Trixie the Chinchilla - FreudianSlip - 10-22-2012

[attachment=2236]This is Trixie. She can read,

RE: Trixie the Chinchilla - twisteroo - 10-22-2012

Geeze, cute little shit. Does she read much?

RE: Trixie the Chinchilla - FreudianSlip - 10-22-2012

(10-22-2012, 07:11 PM)twisteroo Wrote: Geeze, cute little shit. Does she read much?

Yeah...I have a chinchilla safe room where I take her for some exercise and time out of her cage. If I bring a book to read, she will often jump up onto the back of my chair, or my shoulder. Or, id she is really beligerant, she will sit right on the book and check it out. Of course, I am then having to pick little bitty land mines out of the pages, and off my shoulder.

RE: Trixie the Chinchilla - John L - 10-22-2012

I used to know someone who owned Chinchillas. They were a royal pain to keep up with. The diet has to be just right, and they get sick, or have the GIs easily. And when they aren't having GI trouble, they still shit all over the place, as that picture clearly shows.

Plus they are nocturnal, which means they will keep you up at night, unless you keep them on the other side of the house. 'Course then you can't keep up with them, when they chew their way out of the cage.

And they do dig a lot, because they live underground. Diggers are no fun to turn loose in the house.

But they do make great coats, if you have enough of them. Wink

I'll still go with a squirrel if I really must have a rodent as a pet. The tree type of course.

But my Shih-tzu Charlie says he is more than enough for me, anyway. So, I'll have to just stick with him for now. Wink

RE: Trixie the Chinchilla - FreudianSlip - 10-22-2012

You are correct, chins are not an easy care pet. They are very fragile..and you have to watch how you handle them. That is why I tell folks with smaller kids that chins are not a good pet.
Yep..they poop all over when they are out..which is why I confine her to one room when she is out of her cage. Her cage itself is easy enough to clean. Hell, I do not have anything better to do with my time on Saturday.
I know people who actually have herds of them..200+ They breed them and sell them as pets
One is plenty enough for me. She sleeps all day, but hell, I am at work all day. Even. BUT, she sleeps a lot at night too now that she is "middle aged".
Odd thing..I'd rather have a chinchilla than a dog. But each to his own.

RE: Trixie the Chinchilla - Twitchin Kitten - 10-23-2012

You've had her quite awhile now. What? About 6 years or more now? How long do they usually live as pets?