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Some YUNG butt head!! - Printable Version

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Some YUNG butt head!! - BarEdul - 12-20-2011

Beach Bustagut OMG I FINALLY GOT ONE RIGHT!!! does victory dance!! I predicted something would freaking die! Whooo hooo!!! HE"S dead oh yeah oh yeah.... Never mind that the free world now stares down the terror of war!! I freaking got on the score board!!!AngelYahoo

Quick Telephone tell everyoone it's a damn miracle now if everyone on my list would just arrange to drop dead by midnight on the 31st of December I could win this thing !Skull and call myself the GRIM REAPER of TK!! Whoo hooo... Oh and Have a Merry some YUNG butt head I hope you enjoy your new arm warm home!Diablo Drinks Merry Christmas to the Free free world! what an early present.

RE: Some YUNG butt head!! - Twitchin Kitten - 12-20-2011

Are you talking about Kim Jong Il?

RE: Some YUNG butt head!! - Twitchin Kitten - 12-20-2011

I think all of us had him in there. We're not doing too bad this year! I'm with you - a mass drop off is in order now.

Here's our chart:


RE: Some YUNG butt head!! - LKTraz - 12-20-2011

Well.....he USED to be Kim Jong Il. Now he's Kim Jong Dead Drums

RE: Some YUNG butt head!! - BarEdul - 12-22-2011

yep Kim Jong il being ill finally caught up to him... heh... I know to late and not funny.