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Degrees of Abortion, should it be legal or not? - Printable Version

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Degrees of Abortion, should it be legal or not? - Aurora Moon - 11-04-2011

In life there seems to be three types of groups regarding this topic:

A) Those who think all forms of abortion is wrong, no matter what the circumstances.
1) a subgroup of this even thinks that morning after pills is just as morally wrong, mostly for religious reasons.
2) They may not even agree with doing it to save a woman's life, although most will usually make exceptions for that.

B) people who are mostly neutral when it comes to this. at the very most, they're pro-choice but feels that there should be some restrictions placed upon this method so that it doesn't get abused by those who are stupid enough to use it as a method of conception instead of the last resort that it should be. They don't agree with late-term abortions at all, and feels that should be banned. However, they feel that early-term abortions should be allowed for all types of women out there. They feel that every woman should have a frank discussion about the pros and cons of an abortion, and educate herself before she does anything that she may regret. They espeically agree that the mother should discuss this fully with the father, to see what he wants with it.
They usually feel that abortions are something that you only do as an LAST resort, especially with medical emergencies.

C) while I don't think there is actually such a thing as being pro-abortion, This group have often been accused of being pro-abortion. As seeing they often support the right to have all forms of abortions, all the way up to late-term abortions where the baby is fully formed and could easily live outside the womb without medical support. They feel that there should be no restrictions placed upon it, as seeing that would apparently infringement upon our rights and our freedom. this group also typically tends to believe that the woman gets all the say with what goes on with her body, espeically when it comes to this subject.

So which one are you in? personally, I've always placed myself in group B.

RE: Degrees of Abortion, should it be legal or not? - Gunnen4u - 11-04-2011

I do not like the concept of abortion.

Yet, I don't really care anymore. The rise in out of wedlock births, fuck it, bastard children (40+% of births in America anymore) among other societal factors has helped to form my current view. I do not feel the need to support them with my tax dollars (somehow, this is tied with WIC use going up - 49% of infants on gov't assistance).

Plus, any society such as ours that considers abortion as a right (along with other abdications of responsibility such as health care, income, etc), is twisted enough to merit it's own abortion, so let it begin with the children.

RE: Degrees of Abortion, should it be legal or not? - JohnWho - 11-04-2011

Nature may abhor a vacuum,

but then, so does an abortion.

On the other hand, isn't there such a thing as a "natural" abortion?

RE: Degrees of Abortion, should it be legal or not? - Twitchin Kitten - 11-04-2011

Ancient pagans did know ways to reverse a pregnancy and it was common practice before organized religion put weird ideas into peoples heads.

RE: Degrees of Abortion, should it be legal or not? - AnthonyG - 11-05-2011

I am unsure of where I would fit, however my belief is that abortions are acceptable in early stage under certain conditions such as rape. However a persons mind should be made up to keep the embryo or not by about 6 weeks. Any time after that its turning into a fetus and now is really a child in my eyes. The only time a late abortion is acceptable to me is if the mother may die by trying to give birth or complications from pregnancy is killing the female. If someone gets pregnant on accident they should be taking measures in the first few days, morning after pill and such. If they don't, then they should carry the baby to term, if they do not want to keep the child put it up for adoption. I don't think people getting mid term abortions because they made a mistake is right.

RE: Degrees of Abortion, should it be legal or not? - Rhubarb - 11-05-2011

Since I work in a Pharmacy and help counsel with EHT I think ethically I am maybe unable to comment.

RE: Degrees of Abortion, should it be legal or not? - Twitchin Kitten - 11-05-2011

You are most certainly able to comment.

RE: Degrees of Abortion, should it be legal or not? - Havoc - 11-05-2011

When the practice of shelving babies is part of the plan, or partial birth abortions are acceptable, Which by the way our President supports, then something is fishy in denmark.

as a medical procedure to save lives used to be the norm, it required a change in the hippocratic oath to allow abortions to be acceptable.

I would have to put my self in group B, however the explanation which accompanied that group is a little bit wide for my liking and my convictions, discussions with the Father are not powerful enough, the fetus is half his and he should have equal weight in the decision if he is opposed to it then something other than just termination of the pregnancy should have to be forthcoming, IE the life and health of the Mother would be the only thing that could cause the balance of the scales to fall decisively to the woman's side of the decision.

I'm not sure I'm in favor of the morning after pill the way it is used today, the law allows children to have access to the pill without parental consent, I really think that a night before the morning after solution should be the norm, not some kind of golden parachute that makes irresponsibility acceptable.

I do however support woman who are victims of violent crime to have complete and total control over a pregnancy that occurs because of being violated either by rape or incest,child abuse or other forms of violence.

RE: Degrees of Abortion, should it be legal or not? - Twitchin Kitten - 11-05-2011

What about situations where the father is unknown?

What about "marital" rape? There are situations where families are in turmoil and maybe in the middle of a break up. Or, violence is the norm and the woman is in an abusive situation and finds herself pregnant. She's now trapped with absolutely no way to escape the wrath of this violent husband. Plans for leaving could already be in progress but now she has this to deal with.

I state the above because Matt sees some pretty fucked up shit when he does the alarms at the women's shelter here.

RE: Degrees of Abortion, should it be legal or not? - Havoc - 11-05-2011

I think I covered that.

Quote:I do however support woman who are victims of violent crime to have complete and total control over a pregnancy that occurs because of being violated either by rape or incest,child abuse or other forms of violence.
