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I'm surrounded by kittens! - Printable Version

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I'm surrounded by kittens! - LKTraz - 10-10-2009

My furry confidante Tazzy had a litter of 4 kittens 9 weeks ago.

Last week one of our farm cats brings her new brood of 6 up to the porch to show them the food bowl.

On Tuesday my daughter's cat Lovey finally popped and VIOLA...4 more little furballs.

On top of this, people are apparently dropping off cats again as we've been seeing "new" cats appearing in our farm cat pride. Not many are males as far as we can tell so I'm just waiting for the spring kitten season.

The saving grace is that of the 8 kittens in the house, only one will be staying. My daughter had asked that if Lovey had a white kitten could she keep it. Wouldn't you know it!

Soooooo, I have 7 kittens to find good homes for in the coming weeks.

Any who don't get adopted will have to join the farm cat pride but will at least be part of the elite "indoor/outdoor crew". As of now there's 3 that may come inside for a bit and go back out when they (or we) want.

1. Lilly was an indoor cat who REALLY wanted to go the indoor/outdoor route.

2. Oscar was born in our basement to one of our farm cats and just decided on his own that domestication is a good thing!

3. Salem is the pride leader. I guess being the alpha has its privileges. (He's a big black as night love muffin when he comes indoors)

RE: I'm surrounded by kittens! - Rhubarb - 10-10-2009

How many is that? I lost count. Doh

Funny I picked this up just after talking cats to the pub landlady where i went with hubby for a meal. She had just been left a blue pursian by her uncle who died 5 months ago. I was saying how I'd love another cat, but hubby really doesn't get on with them, I had two Bermese cross and they hated him too :p, but my previous tabby just was too thick skinned to be affected by him.
Because I have green eyes he thinks once I have a cat he gets spells put on him (of for heavens sake- do that without the cat) Wink

RE: I'm surrounded by kittens! - LKTraz - 10-10-2009

Total cats on the property?

Presently 8 kittens in the house and 12 adolescents and adults.

Toss in the 3 indoor/outdoor kitties and then add the farm cats and the total comes to around 30 - 35 altogether. (Unless someone drops more off)

RE: I'm surrounded by kittens! - obycencio - 10-16-2009

:O:O:O I'd love that, hehe

RE: I'm surrounded by kittens! - LKTraz - 10-16-2009

Well whatta ya know......3 NEW cats showed up outdoors in the last few days. (Drop offs most likely)

At least one adolescent is a very friendly female. She came in the house after only 2 days of hand fed treats and a bit of ear and chin scratching.

She's quite the sweetie and she will be a good indoor/outdoor kitty.

RE: I'm surrounded by kittens! - Twitchin Kitten - 10-16-2009

OMG and Matt calls me cat lady! You just had a mess 'o kittens and go figure, some dipshit dumps more on you.

Poor things. Why can't people understand it costs you money to keep them? I mean spaying and vaccines, vet bills and let's not forget food costs money!

RE: I'm surrounded by kittens! - LKTraz - 10-17-2009

Why do you think so many of them are "farm cats"?

We feed them a minimum of cat food and they get scraps, past that they "work" for us by supplementing their diet with rodent kills. There's farms across the road and another just 2 properties up the road so they roam there and keep the rodents in check as well.

No vet bills for those kitties.

If a farm cat population get too large they will migrate on their own to where there is a lower population so the numbers stay fairly constant with them. There's a few stalwarts who will stay on the "home" property.

I suspect the outdoor litter of kittens will migrate since their mother only hangs around here when she gives birth then disappears after the kittens are adolescent.

RE: I'm surrounded by kittens! - Rhubarb - 10-18-2009

Traz is right
There was a programme ages ago about the street cats in London. There was a 'family' of ferals in Kensington (not actually sure, but the posh end) that the cat protection got involved with. Every cat was balck and white with 'spat-shoe' paws. They were nicknamed Burlington Berties.
Anyway, there never appeared to be too many of them and they all had just enough kittens to carry on the line.
Then some one paid to have all the males neutered. Suddenly other strays came in from outside, there was a 'baby-boom' of kittens and the black and white coloured cats disappeared.