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Concert at the Albert Hall - Rhubarb - 10-03-2011

We got tickets for this ages ago. It turned out a relief to be in an air-conditioned cinema - it was the hottest day of the year so far- hotter than the Mediterranean!

It was fantastic Clap Yahoo Proud

The odd bit was the count down while we waited to be connected to the Albert Hall, with the advert (like in the trailer) of splintering glass and then
"15 minutes before going live"

There would be a little documentary by Andrew Lloyd Webber and then
"10 minures before going live"

And so on.
It was weird when we did go live, they demonstrated all the camera angles (some we decided later were too close- could almost see up Carlotta's nose!) while the audience in the Albert Hall were settling down and the Orchestra came on with the conductor.

At this point I decided to read my programme, which we all had a copy of on our seat. The lights were put out! :doh2:
Oh well read it later at the interval.

The interval:
20 minutes- there was the shattering glass and a timer on screen. Sue, Jeff's mum brought herself some sandwiches since she'd been out on their boat all day and didn't have time to eat.
Philip dashed and joined the queue for the dolly-bird selling ice-creams only to get served by some spotty lad.
I went to the loo!
I get back just as Mark was dishing out the ice-creams and drinks, so I settled back in my chair (which although very comfy my lumber region has seized, so sitting for too long is dreadful!)
Pick up the programme............the lights go out! :doh2:

I thought I would be ok, you know, get totally absorbed in the music and the costumes, but I still cried at the 'Wishing you were here' anthem and Sue did too. *
I thought it odd that the cinema audience didn't applaud- I guess because our reactions wouldn't be heard at the venue.
'Sod it' I thought and after the solo I started to clap, so did Sue and then I heard others join in.
After that when the 5 past Phantoms from the London production came on stage after the final curtain including the original, Michael Crawford and Sarah Brightman, the whole auditorium was in uproar ClapClapClapClap
Shame Michael was too emotional to sing.

Sue really enjoyed herself (I wasn't sure if she would) and now wants to go to London to Shaftesbury Avenue and see it on stage there.

*Jeff wanted this at the start of Christine's funeral, rather than the option Mark wanted of the Phantom's solo.

RE: Concert at the Albert Hall - Twitchin Kitten - 10-03-2011

Wow! You guys got a break (intermission)! When I saw it on Broadway there were no breaks! Every show I ever went to had intermission but not Phantom.

Glad you enjoyed it. I didn't enjoy the play at all. It was about 90º in the theater in January and we were packed in like sardines. My friend next to me kept commenting the whole time for everything said onstage. Drove me nuts. I could hardly hear as it was. Didn't need her commentary, I know the story!

If it comes back to NY maybe I'll go again with only Matt and in the summer when they have air conditioning going!
Read about your heat wave over there! We call that Indian Summer here Smile I'll trade you, 85º isn't too hot for us here, we have that all summer long Smile

RE: Concert at the Albert Hall - Rhubarb - 10-04-2011

(10-03-2011, 07:18 PM)Twitchin Kitten Wrote: Wow! You guys got a break (intermission)! When I saw it on Broadway there were no breaks! Every show I ever went to had intermission but not Phantom.

There is always an intermission! Shok
Too many old people on coach trips needing to 'go' and all theatres' have a bar.
It is tradition to pre-order your drinks, then at the interval they are already being put on a table (or shelf-depending on what you buy) for you and your 'party'. Except this was in the cinema and they did their best, bless them, with ice-cream and coke. Kez

I can't believe they didn't give you the interval. When the chandelier crashes onto the stage? That is such a natural break too.
I really thought it was an accident at the London production, it was a relief to hear it was the interval Swoon
I was ready for it in Southampton and was already to get to the bar with my 'chitty' for the Champagne Simon had ordered (got a table that time).

RE: Concert at the Albert Hall - Rhubarb - 10-04-2011

OH- there is going to be a return next year for the anniversary- slightly modified, I guess like the performance we saw at the Albert Hall. It is going to tour around the world, so you are bound to get it. It was being televised Internationally because Andrew Lloyd Webber made a tribute in his curtain call speech at the end to those that help take the production to New York and Sydney.

RE: Concert at the Albert Hall - Twitchin Kitten - 10-04-2011

Well, ten years ago we spent $150 per ticket, if it's an anniversary tour, expect those to double for us. Not sure if I can afford that!

Broadway is not the same as it was when I was a kid. The seats are smaller so they can squish more people in. The bars are all there, but there is no ordering ahead of time. You grab a drink on the fly and take it to your seat. Lines for the toilets etc.

Like I said, ALL shows have intermission but this one didn't for some reason.

I like that idea of pre-ordering! They don't do that here. In fact, when we went to see Spamalot, it was a total clusterfuck. They had the bar (portable) in an awful spot and they had the souvenir stand AT the exit door and it was set up in such a way that it was near impossible to get out. Add in a security guy telling people to move along! WTF? Buy something or leave? Make up your mind.

Everything here is all about the money now. It's a shame because I've been seeing plays all my life and I get to watch the whole experience disintegrate year by year.

RE: Concert at the Albert Hall - Rhubarb - 10-04-2011

That is a real shame. Sorry

I thought Broadway was the place to see a show too, like here, the show is a must if it's on Shaftesbury Avenue. Of course they are very old buildings and cramped too, hence the need for the forward planning.

The BIC and The Lighthouse locally are both modern buildings with more than one stage. The BIC foyer is huge and has three bars and floor space to use for shows to sell memorabilia.
The Pavilion is old and has a foyer that hasn't much room so the staff filter you towards the two bars behind either side of the stage to meet up with friends and wait for the curtain call. That is where they have a corridor to sell and advertise.
Sue and I saw Calender Girls here and Breast Cancer Research had volunteers shaking buckets at every corner!

Philip and Henry went to Spamalot at the Mayflower in Southampton. They took Henry's Autistic brother too. They loved it! What did you think?

RE: Concert at the Albert Hall - Twitchin Kitten - 10-04-2011

Spamalot was awesome! Phantom is the only show I didn't ever enjoy.

It is a shame about how they operate Broadway now. It used to be a relaxing thing to go to a show but now you stand online outside, rain or shine until a few minutes to curtain and then you have to hustle to your seats, settle in swiftly, watch the show and then you best get the hell out. They added so many seats they stuff the theater so you're shoulder to shoulder in the vestibule and lobbies. It's rude to get up during the show, no one ever does unless they're some stupid inbred hillbilly with no clue of etiquette at a show. That's rare though.