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Trollhunter - Printable Version

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Trollhunter - Rhubarb - 09-12-2011

Anyone to comment?

No1 son wants me to go and see it. He says it is scary in a weird way. Sounds like the Blair witch project. It is subtitled from Norwegian.

I would ask Anne but I know she is scared of Trolls (honest! she lives in Troll country and will not talk about them)

RE: Trollhunter - Twitchin Kitten - 09-12-2011

Link to the movie review page please?

You do know Blair Witch totally sucked and me and Matt laughed the whole way through it? Giggle

RE: Trollhunter - Rhubarb - 09-12-2011

This is the trailer Philip put me onto. Subtitles I never have a problem with, i tune into a film quickly but I know what you mean, I fell asleep in the Blair Witch

RE: Trollhunter - Twitchin Kitten - 09-12-2011

Matt wants to see it now!

We caught another trailer when that one finished and THIS looks really intriguing!

Hobo with a shotgun:

RE: Trollhunter - Twitchin Kitten - 09-26-2011

OK we watched Trollhunter tonight.

DRIVEL. An absolute rip off of Blair Witch, which was also drivel.

But, we watched it all the way through when suddenly there were 4 kids at the end (the troll hunter walked off in the opposite direction) when the whole movie had only 3.

It's good for a laugh though.