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Restaurant to ban kids under 6 - Twitchin Kitten - 07-13-2011

Restaurant to Ban Kids Under 6 - Older Customers Complained about Rowdiness <-- clicky for story.

So, what do you think? The restauranteur's right or not?

I am all for it. Years ago when my parents took us out, if we misbehaved we'd need only "the look" to snap us out of it. If my infant brother had a crying jag, mom or dad would go outside or in the vestibule until he quieted down, just so they don't disturb the other diners. Today, you have screaming brats running amok and bothering anyone in eye shot. There are plenty of times I will ask for a table with no children nearby. You know, a lot of times the hostess will even ignore that and I have to insist. She gives me a look and that makes me walk out the door.

I pay good money to go out and when I dine out, it's not because I'm too lazy to cook, but for a nice evening out. I will be damned if some inconsiderate parent will allow his snot nosed brats to ruin my night.

RE: Restaurant to ban kids under 6 - Rhubarb - 07-13-2011

There was something similar here and it was debated on the BBC radio.

Some parents have no respect for other diners and there is a time and place for kids to 'learn' social skills. Some places do an 'early-bird scheme' take your kids before 6.30pm and they go free etc.

We went for an evening meal with our friends on their anniversary. There was a young couple with a squalling baby clearly embarrassed doing their utmost to settle the baby. The grandparents were there and it dawned us the grandparents were revelling in the baby and the attention (even though it was the wrong sort). Eventually after the baby being taken out into the gardens and the parents taking turns to eat their courses the grandparents relented and paid the bill. The parents were both already outside before the credit card had cleared!

It spoilt everyone evening.

If I went to say- Pizza Hut then I expected kids (and later badly behaved adults- who should know better)

RE: Restaurant to ban kids under 6 - Twitchin Kitten - 07-13-2011

If a child/children are at a table eating, they need to behave like civilized creatures, even if the restaurant is McDonald's. Play and running and screaming should be restricted to the play area, which is why they have it set up like that. Just because an establishment is "family" oriented doesn't mean your kids can run amok disturbing the other patrons.

RE: Restaurant to ban kids under 6 - LKTraz - 07-13-2011

I wouldn't say ban the kids but I could damn sure agree with strictly enforced rules of behavior!

Your brat acts up......out you ALL go. Of course the bill would still be owed. This would "punish" bad parents who don't have the sense to remove the child(ren) when there is a problem. Now if you do the right thing and try to curb the kid or remove them yourself then you have suffered your own punishment and would probably have the decency to not repeat the same behavior.

Of course some nitwit uncouth fuckers will try to bring suit if they and their heathens....uh children are ejected. But if such policies are put in place and adhered to by the restaurants then I believe it wouldn't be long before they became the norm for eating establishments.

This would force parents to either train their animals uh kids correctly or get thrown out of restaurants and run out of places to go eat at. Either way the rest of us win!

My kids were properly trained and if they BEGAN to cause a problem they were taken to the car and "corrected" (read that as ass whupping). Oddly enough, it only took once and then they behaved well in restaurants. Hell, I had all of my kids schooled in proper table etiquette by age 6 to the point that they were more well mannered than many adults.

RE: Restaurant to ban kids under 6 - twisteroo - 07-13-2011

I didn't even read the link or any posts.
If a restaurant would ban anyone under 35 I would be a happy patron.

RE: Restaurant to ban kids under 6 - Twitchin Kitten - 07-13-2011

LK, your way still has too much risk of ruining everyone else's meal just so you can teach someone a lesson in behavior. Let 'em stay away I say.

RE: Restaurant to ban kids under 6 - Rhubarb - 07-14-2011

(07-13-2011, 06:13 PM)twisteroo Wrote: I didn't even read the link or any posts.
If a restaurant would ban anyone under 35 I would be a happy patron.

Italy is the most amazing place to go out and eat. Grandparents, parents and children right down to tiny tots and there is just no problem, even very late at night. I suppose because they have always been so sociable the kids just know how to behave.

RE: Restaurant to ban kids under 6 - twisteroo - 07-14-2011

But in Italy don't they give the kids wine too? Drunk kids are probably much more docile.

RE: Restaurant to ban kids under 6 - LKTraz - 07-14-2011

(07-13-2011, 09:31 PM)Twitchin Kitten Wrote: LK, your way still has too much risk of ruining everyone else's meal just so you can teach someone a lesson in behavior. Let 'em stay away I say.

But what if you have a well behaved 4 or 5 year old?
How about heathens aged 6 - 12?

Simply banning based on age as opposed to behavior is just as bad as saying in a different example: "'re a (insert race or creed here) family, your kids will be little shits/your kids will be WELL behaved" and as such opens up the discrimination can of worms.

On the other hand, what I propose is part of an established but no longer practiced standard of "Management reserves the right to refuse service to anyone". Of course this needs to be defined in order to NOT be considered discriminatory so the posting of rules of behavior and the penalties for their violation would be needed.

I just see the potential for messy lawsuits on the horizon with the age ban.

The idea of no kids after say 6PM would be the only answer with balance here.

RE: Restaurant to ban kids under 6 - Twitchin Kitten - 07-15-2011

Well, since it's already in place at that restaurant, I see no problem with the age restriction. It's pretty lenient and allows older kids the chance to behave or get your family booted. The age of 6 & under are the biggest culprits for crying jags and bad behavior.

Private establishments can make the rules that fit their needs and if it brings a lawsuit, I will bet it won't hold water.