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Serial Killer Investigation Heats Up On Long Island Following Grisly Discovery - Printable Version

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Serial Killer Investigation Heats Up On Long Island Following Grisly Discovery - Twitchin Kitten - 03-30-2011

I wonder what Fifty Cent Frank's been up to lately? He lives out there. Rofl

Serial Killer Investigation Heats Up On Long Island Following Grisly Discovery <<-- click for the story. There are tons of links and what not there so it's not worth copying to here.

For some reason the video won't embed. Shitty code I guess.
Click the link to view.

RE: Serial Killer Investigation Heats Up On Long Island Following Grisly Discovery - LKTraz - 03-30-2011

I'm going to speculate that this killer will claim 5 or more victims beyond those already found before being caught. There will probably be an acceleration of frequency over this summer and they will be more emboldened despite press coverage showing that the cops are closing in.

Nothing new in that revelation.......just a working knowledge of serial killers. Barb and I have done some research on serial killers and this is a solid pattern of behavior.

I'll place this person as a Caucasian male between 30 and 40 years old with a spotty employment history but is well liked by their employers. Likely a social loner and very likely a "momma's boy" whether mom is alive or dead.

RE: Serial Killer Investigation Heats Up On Long Island Following Grisly Discovery - Twitchin Kitten - 03-30-2011

I'm going to say the opposite - Impeccable work record. Held a job long time in one company. Star Employee. Creepy fucker in the neighborhood. Liked to trawl nightclubs for young girls and hookers. Had/has a long term relationship but never married nor had the woman live with him.

White male, closer to 40 or older because he's been doing this smart. I'll even go so far as to say he has been doing this a long time and knows how to take long breaks between the need to go on a spree.

RE: Serial Killer Investigation Heats Up On Long Island Following Grisly Discovery - LKTraz - 03-31-2011

Time will tell!

Who knows....we may both be way off the mark. Regardless though, this fucker needs to be stopped.

RE: Serial Killer Investigation Heats Up On Long Island Following Grisly Discovery - Rhubarb - 03-31-2011

Sounds like a copy-cat of the Ipswich Murders.
He was a taxi-driver in his 50's divorced and lived alone and has no social skills.

Got caught because his taxi was picked up on CCTV

RE: Serial Killer Investigation Heats Up On Long Island Following Grisly Discovery - Twitchin Kitten - 04-13-2011

This thing is heating up every day. They're up to like 11 bodies and they're speculating that it could either be a cop or connected to the the 90's serial killer Joel Rifkin, who claims he killed 17 people but they never found all the bodies he claimed.