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Kitten in snow - Printable Version

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Kitten in snow - Twilla - 12-30-2010

RE: Kitten in snow - Twilla - 12-30-2010

RE: Kitten in snow - Twitchin Kitten - 12-30-2010

I got 4 cats looking for the lost kitty and Daisy having a fit looking to help!

RE: Kitten in snow - Twilla - 12-30-2010

Good thing I had my ear buds on when I watched it, Hissy would be having a fit.

RE: Kitten in snow - Twitchin Kitten - 12-30-2010

OMG Elaine is adorable. I love how she burrowed and left only her head and tail showing and then decided she had to swat at her tail! They weren't fighting, they were playing.

Hissy gets mad when she hears other kittens? Sofie goes berserk looking for them. I had to shut it off she was panicking. I got a feeling she lost kittens when I found her. Poor thing.

RE: Kitten in snow - Twilla - 12-30-2010

No, but she gets kind of upset and starts meowing herself like she's trying to help. She'll get in my face to see if I'm the one meowing. LOL