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Woo Hoo! My prize came today! - Printable Version

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Woo Hoo! My prize came today! - Twitchin Kitten - 09-30-2010

OK I don't smoke but Matt does. Wish he wouldn't but... it pays off sometimes.

Marlboro was running a contest for members this summer and I stuck it out to the end and got myself a mini camcorder and a key fob. The key fob was lost when dingbat lost his keys but I got the camcorder today! Yahoo

I was told to expect it in 14+ weeks and it came in only two! Yahoo

They even threw in a memory card and batteries!

This thing is tiny, cute and perfect to stick in my bag in the little velvet case it came with. Maybe they won't notice it going into King Tut next week?! Damn thing is light as a feather too. It's a nice little toy.

RE: Woo Hoo! My prize came today! - kbear - 09-30-2010

Hey I got mine yesterday!
Really a cool litle thing. I'm looking forward to using it.
We also got the webber grill.

They do give away some really nice stuff.

RE: Woo Hoo! My prize came today! - Twitchin Kitten - 09-30-2010

Are you in on the next game? Outwit the West? I got one more slot on my team if you want in. let me know and I'll send you the invite.

RE: Woo Hoo! My prize came today! - twisteroo - 09-30-2010

Awwww man....I wanna start smoking.Sad

RE: Woo Hoo! My prize came today! - Twitchin Kitten - 09-30-2010

I don't smoke and get all the prizes anyway. Just log in and join and lie about the smoking part.

RE: Woo Hoo! My prize came today! - BarEdul - 09-30-2010

Great prizes...

RE: Woo Hoo! My prize came today! - twisteroo - 09-30-2010

You mean be dishonest with the tobacco company? Never!!

RE: Woo Hoo! My prize came today! - Jamminitin - 09-30-2010

Lie? Wow TK, I didnt know you were that kind.....

RE: Woo Hoo! My prize came today! - Twitchin Kitten - 09-30-2010

Like a rug, baby, like a rug!

RE: Woo Hoo! My prize came today! - twisteroo - 09-30-2010

I can grow my own tobacco thank you very much.