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Cha cha cha cha changes - Printable Version

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Cha cha cha cha changes - LKTraz - 05-10-2010

Well as a band we purged ourselves of the major source of stress and discontent: the lead guitarist. He had been the seat of much unrest and in the end he had to go.

We rehired the second rhythm guitarist whom the lead guy had pissed off to the point he quit and have found a new lead guitar player (hopefully he stays).

In with the new lineup we have a new name. Rob (fired lead guy) was stuck on "Nytro" and whined so that's why we kept it.

We are now known as: Govt. Cheez

We have 2 benefit shows coming up: May 29 in Mt Joy for returning veterans and June 16 near Harrisburg for breast cancer.

Hopefully we will have video to post as with the Graces Vault gig. We'll try to get a bit better audio if possible.

I know I'm feeling better minus Mr. Whiner.

Keep it cheezy!

RE: Cha cha cha cha changes - Twitchin Kitten - 05-10-2010

Congratulations on sorting out your issues! I know firsthand how stressful argumentative or difficult band members can be. I've watched too many break ups and get back togethers with Matt's band that I've dubbed them The Beatles.

RE: Cha cha cha cha changes - LKTraz - 06-18-2011

I just remembered this thread.

Kind of appropriate too. Since this was first posted we changed drummers and now we are auditioning yet another. Shane had life issues that simply made too many demands on his time. In came Tom. Now he has the same situation.

Shane wasn't a bad drummer but he had much room for improvement. Tom is adequate but not what anyone would call talented.

The fellow who we will see tomorrow has been playing since the early 80's and was a long time member of a very successful (and still out there playing) local band called Sapphire. He comes to us with lots of experience and 12 complete drum kits!

Not a 12 drum kit.....12 different kits! Holy shit!!!!!!! There's no doubt about his commitment to music now is there?

Oh yeah.....the motto we finally decided upon is: "It ain't sleazy bein' cheezy!"