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Hurricane Bill - Printable Version

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Hurricane Bill - Twitchin Kitten - 08-22-2009

Just gave us an excuse to have a little Hurricane Party!

Bill is right off NJ right now. We got big surf at the beach, the sun is shining in my yard and we're going to have a mini party here tonight.

I just came in from vacuuming the pool and setting up the yard for guests. I don't think we're going to see anymore rain than we had last night from this one.

RE: Hurricane Bill - Twitchin Kitten - 08-24-2009

The bastard Bill caused on and off blackouts on us all day yesterday! He passed us without issue on Saturday night but for some reason yesterday we had intermittent blackouts. I gave up and vegged on the couch all day with Matt watching the boob tube.

RE: Hurricane Bill - Rhubarb - 08-26-2009

So how did the hurricane finish?
We actually are getting a back lash of weather here much to my surprise. It has been almost like a deary winter day all day.

RE: Hurricane Bill - Twitchin Kitten - 08-26-2009

I think it worked it's way to Ireland. We're in for a second one this weekend too. Just as the pool got warm and summer came as it should have in July, this next one (i don't know it's name) is going to take it all away. Sad

RE: Hurricane Bill - Rhubarb - 08-30-2009

LOL! Crazy
So we were down the hospital again tonight and when we got back, as always checked the ansa-phone, 4 messages, not too bad. The last one?
Sara from Bermuda! She got off the island, because she was already coming over to see her mother who at 91 was having a operation on her eyes. The hurricane missed them totally, with just a rough night and not even a power cut Biggrin
She had come home before the hurricane had even looked to be a threat and is going home on tuesday (when we have the wedding from hell to attend).
It was great to talk to her and up date her on Philip's well being. She hopes to come over again when her husband can take a break from the shop (diving shop) and we can catch up, most likely in the early spring.