11-02-2010, 02:29 PM
I used to work in a men's only salon. We did wigs, toupees and regular barber styling. I hated every minutes of it. The guys in the wigs and toups were foul and had a nasty stink to them. Most wouldn't take the wig off to wash it and waited until their appointment to come in and have us do it
One guy had his stitched to his head. Often his clips would become infected. I wouldn't touch him. NO WAY, NO HOW! Fucking fire me.
Most of the old men were leches. There were only girls working there too. I applied for the job on the other side in the ladies salon and they needed someone for the barbershop. I hated that place and quit for a lesser paying job, it was that bad. I can't imagine a topless joint! The nipple danger is bad enough, but the leches!!
One guy had his stitched to his head. Often his clips would become infected. I wouldn't touch him. NO WAY, NO HOW! Fucking fire me.
Most of the old men were leches. There were only girls working there too. I applied for the job on the other side in the ladies salon and they needed someone for the barbershop. I hated that place and quit for a lesser paying job, it was that bad. I can't imagine a topless joint! The nipple danger is bad enough, but the leches!!
I have no idea what you're talking about so here's a bunny with a pancake on it's head