Welcome to the comics section, here you will find almost anything comic related.
See something missing? Throw up a request and if it can be found it'll be posted here.
Have something we don't? Please post it.
Note about downloading, the volumes can range from 15-100 megs.
So if your on dial up you may want to wait till night time to start your download.
Few rules.
1: No erotic comics, This includes hentai and it's western equivalents.
Some nudity/sex is ok so long as it inst outright porn.
2: Try to keep the comics somewhat mature.
By mature I mean no magical pastel pink ponies and the like XD.
3: No being an asshole/uber fanboy.
Super hero comics are not superior in every way to one about vampires.
Manga is not better than western comics or visa versa.
They all tell their own story in there own unique way.
Your more than welcome to post your opinion, Just don't try to shove it down someones throat.
4: If your uploading a series, use mediafire or megaupload.
we want no rapidshit, or uploading.com here thankyou
See something missing? Throw up a request and if it can be found it'll be posted here.
Have something we don't? Please post it.
Note about downloading, the volumes can range from 15-100 megs.
So if your on dial up you may want to wait till night time to start your download.
Few rules.
1: No erotic comics, This includes hentai and it's western equivalents.
Some nudity/sex is ok so long as it inst outright porn.
2: Try to keep the comics somewhat mature.
By mature I mean no magical pastel pink ponies and the like XD.
3: No being an asshole/uber fanboy.
Super hero comics are not superior in every way to one about vampires.
Manga is not better than western comics or visa versa.
They all tell their own story in there own unique way.
Your more than welcome to post your opinion, Just don't try to shove it down someones throat.
4: If your uploading a series, use mediafire or megaupload.
we want no rapidshit, or uploading.com here thankyou