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Dead Marine's father ordered to pay protesters' legal costs - Printable Version

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Dead Marine's father ordered to pay protesters' legal costs - Twitchin Kitten - 03-31-2010

Dead Marine's father ordered to pay protesters' legal costs <--clicky to read full story

(CNN) -- The father of a Marine whose funeral was picketed by the Westboro Baptist Church says an order to pay the protesters' legal costs in a civil claim is nothing less than a "slap in the face."

"By the court making this decision, they're not only telling me that they're taking their side, but I have to pay them money to do this to more soldiers and their families," said Albert Snyder, whose son, Lance Cpl. Matthew Snyder, was killed in action in Iraq in 2006.

Members of the fundamentalist church based in Topeka, Kansas, appeared outside Snyder's funeral in 2006 in Westminster, Maryland, carrying signs reading "You're going to hell," "God hates you" and "Thank God for dead soldiers."

Among the teachings of the church, which was founded in 1955 by pastor Fred Phelps, is the belief that God is punishing the United States for "the sin of homosexuality" through events such as soldiers' deaths....

RE: Dead Marine's father ordered to pay protesters' legal costs - Black Sun - 03-31-2010

That Westboro Baptist church lot really are scumbags of the highest order.

I am all for freedom but scumbags shouldn't have the freedom to picket anyone's funeral with their homophobic bullshit.

RE: Dead Marine's father ordered to pay protesters' legal costs - LH - 03-31-2010

I believe that on this earth there are some people that are the lowest and the most disgustingly simple and crude forms of life that have ever walked upright. These people have created another life form that is even worse than what I imagined. Proof that we have not discovered how low humans can be towards each other.

RE: Dead Marine's father ordered to pay protesters' legal costs - Twitchin Kitten - 03-31-2010

This is right up there with the three Navy SEALS who are brought up on charges of assaulting the terrorists they were arresting.

RE: Dead Marine's father ordered to pay protesters' legal costs - Black Sun - 03-31-2010

None of these bastards are fit to lick the boots of any of the dead soldiers who funerals they picket.

RE: Dead Marine's father ordered to pay protesters' legal costs - LKTraz - 03-31-2010

Complete fucking loonies!

God should smite them by way of them getting stoned to death by crazed gay rights activists from San Francisco who travel to their home town to protest their protest!

RE: Dead Marine's father ordered to pay protesters' legal costs - CrackAttack - 04-02-2010

That story made my blood pressure rise. After reading the entire story, I hope they don't actually make him pay it.

These people sully the idea of freedom of speech. The stupidest and craziest of Americans wrap themselves in the law for protection against decency. The rest of us are too busy being productive.

I'm headed to PI, SC in a few hours. That anyone would say such bullshit about these young men and women to make their point makes my stomach hurt.