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The skank that helped break up Sandra Bullock's marriage - Printable Version

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The skank that helped break up Sandra Bullock's marriage - Twilla - 03-18-2010

She's got a freakin' tattoo on her forehead! Doh

RE: The skank that helped break up Sandra Bullock's marriage - lady cop - 03-18-2010

i don't give a rat's arse about 'celebs' and their pairings, but that looks like crap and will REALLY look nice in 10 or 20 more years. blech. that shit isn't airbrushed on the photo?? ewwwwww

now that i looked again, that looks like a chopjob/part painting, right?
Doh i just woke up 10 minutes ago. Biggrin

RE: The skank that helped break up Sandra Bullock's marriage - Twilla - 03-18-2010

I believe they're real.


RE: The skank that helped break up Sandra Bullock's marriage - lady cop - 03-18-2010

well all that hurt like hell. Bustagut and is ugly to boot. oh well, it's her body.

RE: The skank that helped break up Sandra Bullock's marriage - Twilla - 03-18-2010

But he was married to Sandra Bullock, for god's sake! She's not only beautiful, she comes across as really funny and nice. This woman is disgusting!

RE: The skank that helped break up Sandra Bullock's marriage - Black Sun - 03-18-2010

He left Sandra Bullock for that freak?!

Epic fail.

RE: The skank that helped break up Sandra Bullock's marriage - Twitchin Kitten - 03-18-2010

Well, he left his wife for Sandra Bullock, and I'm sure he'll leave this one for someone else when he gets bored of her.
What's funny is Jesse James made a whole two hour special on how he came up from nothing, loved his wife and kid and his whole world revolved around her and then like 2 months later, he's hooked up with Sandra Bullock.

Typical Hollywood bullshit and inflated egos that can't seem to get past the "all about me" stage.

RE: The skank that helped break up Sandra Bullock's marriage - dazdncnfsd - 03-18-2010

(03-18-2010, 05:40 PM)Twilla Wrote: But he was married to Sandra Bullock, for god's sake! She's not only beautiful, she comes across as really funny and nice. This woman is disgusting!

She is a Tatoo Model...whatever the hell that is.

Are those Brass Knuckles tatooed on her armpit? WTF!

RE: The skank that helped break up Sandra Bullock's marriage - twisteroo - 03-18-2010

I wonder if I have a shot with Sandy?

RE: The skank that helped break up Sandra Bullock's marriage - Jamminitin - 03-18-2010

His first wife was a porn star and they were broken up when he met SB. Even though this chick looks weird, she didn't destroy SB's marriage, Jesse James did. He was the one with the marriage certificate, wedding ring, and wife. He is an asshole. He is the one who made the commitment and failed. SB does seem like a "real" "true" person.

JJ made a public apology and hoped he could save his marriage. I would tell him to piss off!!!! Not an indescretion, bastard has been at it for 11 months.