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Never shush someone in a theater! - Printable Version

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Never shush someone in a theater! - Twilla - 03-10-2010

You might get stabbed in the neck with a meat thermometer.

Quote:A dispute at a Lancaster movie theater during a screening of "Shutter Island" ended when a man, who had complained about someone nearby talking on a cellphone, was stabbed in the neck with a meat thermometer.

The incident occurred two weeks ago at the Cinemark 22 theater in Lancaster, according to the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department.

The theater was packed for a 9 p.m. Saturday screening of the Martin Scorsese horror movie when the victim complained about a woman near him who was using a cellphone during the show. She and two men with her left the movie theater. Two men returned a few minutes later and stabbed the victim, said sheriff's spokesman Steve Whitmore.

"It was vicious and cowardly attack," Whitmore said.

The victim, who was not identified, was hospitalized with serious injuries Two other moviegoers who came to the victim's aid were also were hurt during the fight, officials said.

RE: Never shush someone in a theater! - lady cop - 03-10-2010

so is he done yet?


RE: Never shush someone in a theater! - Twilla - 03-10-2010

It makes my blood boil!

RE: Never shush someone in a theater! - lady cop - 03-10-2010

who the hell carries a meat thermometer? all i can think of is that it wouldn't usually be deemed a concealed deadly weapon if they were patted down.

RE: Never shush someone in a theater! - Black Sun - 03-10-2010

I always make sure I have my meat thermometer on me before I leave the house, keys, money, college ID and coursework, meat thermometer.

RE: Never shush someone in a theater! - Twilla - 03-10-2010

(03-10-2010, 04:58 PM)Black Sun Wrote: I always make sure I have my meat thermometer on me before I leave the house, keys, money, college ID and coursework, meat thermometer.

Where do you carry it?

RE: Never shush someone in a theater! - Black Sun - 03-10-2010

lodged up my anus.

RE: Never shush someone in a theater! - Twilla - 03-10-2010

That's really the only suitable place for it.

RE: Never shush someone in a theater! - Twitchin Kitten - 03-10-2010

(03-10-2010, 04:49 PM)lady cop Wrote: who the hell carries a meat thermometer? all i can think of is that it wouldn't usually be deemed a concealed deadly weapon if they were patted down.

I bet you they would consider it one here. Pocket tools have been considered weapons for a long time now in this area. So if a screwdriver is a weapon, why not a thermometer.

RE: Never shush someone in a theater! - lady cop - 03-10-2010

once it's been used as a weapon, then it is a deadly weapon. but i was thinking of some person like a chef with one in his pocket, a mechanic with a screwdriver, a baseball player with a bat, blah blah blah etc. anything can be a weapon. but if i had patted someone down who had a meat thermometer and charged them with carrying a concealed weapon, my sheriff would have taken MY temperature! Haha
it's a judgement call in some places i suppose.

edit to add: i have seen an inmate stab a corrections officer with a sharpened pencil.